Third Genesis
Ogo's Final Punishment
- Amma wanted regenerate Earth
- Plan
- Sacrifice Ogo's original other half (separation of the soul)
- Slit throat and separated body into fourths
- Ogo Half's ressurection
- New World
- 4 men
- 4 Women
- Due to his incest and thievery he was forced to walk on all fours like a fox
- Fox's perception of the outside
- Change
Dogon Creation Myth
Ogo's Role in Creation
First Descent
- Attempted to steal pieces of placenta; Amma punished him
- His punishment was cutting his tongue
- Took away his creation powers
- Sent him to Earth; needed dry land
- Corrupted Earth by committing incest
- Amma made the seven nommos hide the placenta in by creating the Sun
Creation of the nommo
- Half male and half female
- Created from vibrations
- Seven were made of the all the elements
- Eighth: was missing water and thus Ogo was created
- Symbolism for imbalance and destruction
The First Genesis
- Amma first attempt to bond all the elements failed and destroyed it
- Seed shattered (Hand of the Fox)
The Second Genesis
- Amma spun the elements which created vibrations
- Word of Amma
- Creation of life
Presented by: Maya Wallace and Mike Engstrom
Dogon Creation Myth
- Mali, West Africa
- Belief in Divination
- Fortune Telling
- Seeking the knowledge of the future
- The Unknown
A cosmogony
Ogo's Agricultural Pursuit
Second Decent
- Planted grain in the Earth
- Angered Amma; she sent insects to tamper with his farming
- Ant
- Spider
- Termite
Ogo's Troubles Continue...
- Returned to Heaven
- Steals another piece of placenta to create an ark for his descent back to Earth
- Also stole grain