Free, open and unlimited communication
Emancipatory knowledge
How to carry out Habermas’s communicative action theory?
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Communicative action theory
Seam of a system and lifeworld
Macro-economic, political forces
Housing Employment Racial and class division
World of everyday life, language and culture
"Transcendental site where speaker and hearer meet, where they reciprocally raise claim that they utterances fit the world... and where they can criticize and confirm those validity claims, settle their disagreements and arrive at agreements"
"unrealistic ideal of power-free communication"
Ian McNeeley
"view from nowhere"
Nikolas Kompridis
- public talk as utopian liberal ideals in which people talk their ideas to death
- universal principles of justice and democracy relativistic and egocentric perspectives
- common ground is not possible, nothing wrong with competition between groups
- hotchpotch of ideas gathered from the Enlightenment, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and others
Commitment to community development
Community development:
groups, individuals
Within context of technical, political, and market realities
Principles of community development:
participation of citizens in defining their own problems
and dreams
General description
cooperative action
undertaken by individuals
based upon mutual
and participation
Jürgen Habermas
Communicative Action Theory