Unit 4a Solo Composition
- To gain an understanding of how to develop a motif using at least two of the four tools outlined.
Motif Development: The 4 Main Tools
Who am I?
I like to do things from back to front, starting at the end and working my way to the beginning...
- I will re-cap on the four main tools for motif development.
- I will add one of these into my motif development from last week.
- I will develop a second motif of my choice using the bronze, silver and gold tasks outlined.
I jumble things up and change the order to create something entirely different...
I duplicate myself and do exactly what I am called...
- Go over motif development from last week (fingers crossed you've remembered this otherwise you'll be making more work for yourself!)
I like being topsy- turvy and exploring things as they might not originally appear. I begin with the letter 'I'....
Choose one of the following menus to work on your development for motif 2:
- Introduce/ Change pathway
- Takeaway an existing action
- Create a new gesture on one of your actions
then repeat this but with a development e.g. change level, develop arms etc.
- Change the level of an action
- Retrograde/ Fragmentation... pick 1!
- Fragmentation
- Instrumentation
- Change the size of an existing action
& to finish.....
What are the 4 main tools for motif development??
Which was the tool you found most effective when used? Why?
Homework: Make sure booklets are up to date with motif development information... remember the booklet is a 1/4 of your final solo grade. It could determine a D to a C or a B to an A!
Due: Tuesday 25th