
Prezi AI.

Seu novo assistente de apresentação.

Refine, aprimore e adapte seu conteúdo, obtenha imagens relevantes e edite recursos visuais com mais rapidez do que nunca.



Very polished and eloquent speakers

Java and JVM based languages

and web stuff like REST and javascript

I focused on general software engineering

so all the Java didn't really bother me

Here's an



Architects define the constraints by making the big decisions.

Ted provided several architecture elements - think about during requirements, design and refactoring

The constraints are documented and

help the teams make their decisions.

No Fluff

Just Stuff

Focus was on getting things done with

less "ceremony" in all things

Things I saw

Agile Engineering


Hello World in a Android App

Still pretty cool - it is Android.

This was about where agile has evolved.

We are actually doing pretty well as a

software organisation

  • Continuous Integration
  • Unit Tests
  • Code Reviews
  • Late branching

7 Wastes

Pragmatic Architecture

  • What's a good architecture
  • What's an architect
  • Here are some tools.
  • Toyota's famous waste reduction ideas as applied to software

  • Partially Done Work
  • Extra Processes/Features
  • Delays
  • Task Switching
  • and more
  • Android

  • 7 Wastes of Software Development

  • Mobile jQuery


Cool stuff here! Applications

in the browser are going to be so


And browsers are almost ready

(except IE grrr).

  • Agile Engineering

  • Pragmatic Architecture

  • HTML 5 - Javascript bits

  • Decision Making in Software Teams

  • More Agile Engineering

Mobile jQuery

Wow - little bit of markup goes a long

way to make a mobile app in a browser.

Decision Making

Learned how decision processes can fail

and how to avoid or mitgate the problems.

Coming soon to a meeting near you!

If I can ever decide where to start.

Agile Engineering ++

  • Automate those acceptance tests!
  • Continuous Delivery

Cool ideas, but we have a ways to go

(and do we really need to?).

Client User Interface

What is an architect?

Application Logic

Business Objects

Business Rules


Goals - remember those "ities"

Contraints - money, resources, time,

abilities of the team

  • New technologies
  • New methodologies

Does the new stuff fit? Help? Change the game?


Goals - are they still valid? Has the business/market changed?

Constraints - Less Time, more people, changing skills.

Progress against goals - if too slow, then plan B

Business Impact - too costly, competition catching up?


Data Store

A good architecture is judged on

its "ities"

  • Integrity
  • Simplicity
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Scalability
  • Performability
  • Modularity
  • Maintainability
  • Composability
  • Longevity

Is this "good"?

A good architecture helps you

make the day-to-day, hour-to-hour

decisions - correctly!

"you fall naturally into the pit

of success"


State Management



And More

see the slides on sharepoint

  • Durable vs. Transient State

state held across processing steps vs

state held during processing

  • Relational vs. Object vs. Hierarchical

what is the “shape” of the data?

  • Context-based vs. Process-based state

where is the transient state held?

  • Implementaton





  • Concurrent/Parallel (SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD)

Divide and Conquer

Recursive Data


Event-based Coordination

Master/Slave, Fork/Join

Shared Data

Shared Queue

  • Transactional
  • Transport

Over what medium does the communication travel?

Examples: TCP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP, named pipes, filesystem,

queues, and more …

  • Exchange

How do we interact?

Examples: request/response, solicit‐-notify, async, fire‐-and-forget,

and more …

  • Format

In what format does the data travel?

Examples: XML, code, text, JSON, raw binary, serialized

objects, and more …

  • style




  • implementation

Markup (HTML, Acrobat)

Code (WinForms, Flash)

  • perspectives

User, Administrative, Reported, …

  • composite

Aggregates multiple applications into one

Based around a single style

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