Zale Lipshy University Hospital
By Kiara Morales
Mission Statement
- To improve health care in our community, Texas, our nation, and the world through innovation and education.
- To educate the next generation of leaders in patient care, biomedical science, and disease prevention.
- To conduct high-impact, internationally recognized research.
- To deliver patient care that brings UT Southwestern Medical Center's scientific advances to the bedside-focusing on quality, safety, and service.
Career: Correctional Officer (Lieutenant at Latuna Prison)
What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
What major problem have you encountered and how do you deal with it?
Company History
Why Do I want to Work Here?
Zale Lipshy University Hospital 2014
Southwestern Medical Center: small wartime medical college 1944
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