Fixed Philosophy &Value
Growth Philosophy & values
- your born smart no amount of practice can help you by pactcing and trying means your stupid
- Children with a growth mindset believe that anything can be done its up to the individual to work or train to get it done.
- They have a strong belief in hard work and perseverance to accomplish a goal they've set.
- if your bad at something you should just give up there is no point in trying and looking stupid.
Fixed beliefs & attitude
Growth Beliefs & Attitude
- only do work that you know he answer to only answerig qestions to make yourself look smarter
- Trying your hardest is their goal while they don't wanna fail they aren't afraid to fail and keep on trying and working hard to insure they don't fail.
Representative mindset quotes
- confident when they know the subjuect or topic depressed or lazy when faced with a challenge.
- They are often energized by a challenge not being one to back down and are often self-driven.
Growth mindset
Fixed mindset
"mastery oriented children... think that intelligenceis malleable and can be developed."
"mastakes crack their self confidence... they feel powerless to change so the avid a challenge."
Growth Work Ethic
Fixed work ethic
people with a fixed mindset are often
- lazy
- lackin grit
- aren't known for finishing thngs
- arogent and egocentric
people with this kind of mindset are:
- hard working
- diligent
- driven
- great amount of grit
- known for completing whats started
- determined
Growth mindset VS Fixed mindset
which are you?