Athletic Discrimination
Hailey, Logan, Tom
it seems like they are trying to give females less coverage
Athletic Discriminating Sportswear
Athletic Sportswear
- Acts of athletic discrimination and racism have increased from the year 2016 31% and 2017 41%
- Internationally there were 79
- Has anyone ever received discrimination or racism while in a sport?
- What about what you wear in sports?
Is it Fair?
- Women's sports make significantly less than men's
40% are female only get 2-4% of media coverage
"chicken and egg debate"
Discrimination in Wages
- $17 million in revenue from women's world cup, $529 million made from men's world cup
- Female sports target and try to compete with male sports for the same sponsors and TV channels
- Demand for watching male sports is higher than female
- Women's games bring in less revenue then men's
- Why do male athletes make more than female athletes?
- Attract less sponsorships
- Do females deserve higher pay?
Should females earn more?
- Women naturally have less muscle
- Men have larger hearts and lung capacity
- Women have to work much harder