Little Fire Ant Native Niche
The Little Fire Ant's native niche is to eat the unwanted plants and insects who are rather eating the plant or hindering its ability to grow. For example the little fire ant feeds on the miridae. The miridae feeds on cocoa plants and the litte fire ants eat them.
Little Fire Ant Native Habitat
Little Fire Ant
Scientific Name: Wasmannia Auropunctata
Description: The Little Fire Ant is a slow moving, brownish orange species about 1.5mm in length. The ant has a three jointed antennial club, two spines on the posterior dorsal portion of the thorax and lacks teeth on its clypeus. The Little Fire Ant is also known for sting and bite disproportionally painful to its size.
Miridae (Primary Consumer)
By James Smorenburg
Little Fire Ant( Tertiary Consumer)
Central America
South America
Native Food Web
Little Fire Ant New Habitat
Little Fire Ant New Niche
Bacteria( Decomposer)
Bird ( Tertiary Consumer)
The Little Fire Ant's new niche is a weird one because it is not a niche you would think would exist. The little fire ant goes around nesting in cracks and crevices. They also decrease the arthropod diversity. They also feed on humans with their nasty painful bite.
Plants (Producer)
Phorid flies (Tertiary consumer)
Little Fire Ant(Tertiary Consumer)
Miridae(Primary Consumer)
Little Fire Ant New Food Web
Environmental Issues
Lizard( Tertiary Consumer)
How Humans Have Contributed To The Problem?
How Are Society And The Economy Effected?
The environment can be hurt very bad by these little ants. Many people use pesticides to try to get rid of them. Using the pesticides causes a lot of water to get contaminated and is overall very bad for the environment. Also the little fire ant the overall diversity in a ecosystem. That is not good because to have a healthy ecosystem you want lots of diversity.
Any debris that is just lying around, pick it up and shake it a couple times. Afterwards put the debris into a more secure spot. I would also recommend to put peanut butter on a stick and leave it out for a couple of hours. Then do what you need to do with those ants. Killing the ants when they are younger will make it easier to kill.
Society: Society is affected because the ants bites are really sore. They could cause allergic reactions and the person has to go to the hospital and receive very high quality medical care.
Economy: Economy is affected because you have to spend a fortune on extermination and on pesticides. They could be really expensive and some people may not be able to afford them.
The little fire ant find there way into potted plants that just so happen to board a flight or catch a ship departing. These ants then find their way into a island and reproduce quickly. Humans also buy different flowers that may be infested with the ant. There might not be a predator. This is how this ant became invasive in many parts of the world.
Plants( Producer)
Little Fire Ant ( Tertiary Consumer)
Weevil( Primary Consumer)
Cricket(Primary Consumer
Frog(Primary Consumer)