sea cave
sea cave:
A sea cave is a tunnel or passage in the rock at the foot of a cliff.
- If the rock has a weak spot like a crack, the waves will atack by hydraulic action, compressed air and abrasion.
- The crack gets larger and develops into a cave.
sea cave
sea arch :
A sea arch is a passage that runs through a headland.
- If the cave is deepened and enlarged by erosion, it may cut through to the other side of the headland to form a sea arch.
- A sea arch may also form if two caves on opposite sides of a headland meet.
sea arch
sea stack
sea stack
A sea stack is a pillar of rock that is cut off from the headland or cliff.
- When the waves erode the base of the sea arch, they widen it.
- Eventually the roof is unable to support itself and it collapses, the former tip of the headland cut off as a sea stack.
- Sea caves, sea arches and sea stacks can all be seen close together at Hook Head in Co.Wexford and at the Bridges of Ross in Co.Clare.
sea cave, sea arch and sea stack