Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.
Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.
Népszerű keresések
Dystopia is an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad ,usually a totalitarian.
The goverment is linked into our everyday lifes just by the Social media that we use.In a way this is like controlloing us. They have numerous of social media websites, where people are willing to give their informtion out, that they track us on. We put our everyday lives out for them to see ,For Example:
The U.K Police set up a social media task force to ensure the safety of the London Olympic games.Using information easy accessible to the public, they followed known rubble rousers on twitter ,and used streams to monitor about the games and planned protest.
Any information placed onto facebook can be used against you or for you in any situation. You may delete it ,but these servers always can pull it back up. It is never really erased of the internet.I would say it is kept into servers , locked away for the goverment to keep tabs on us.
Procedures The Goverment takes to get the Information:
Technology Achievements presnted the idea that war,disease, and proverty were all soluable problems.Instead it is now viewed as ways to control and view people in large quantities ,Would you agree? Instead of technology saving humanity from misery, it allows violence to be performed on a more efficent scale.
Technology is growing faster ,and the demand for these new devices are becoming higher and higher. The goverment is looking into our every conversation, picture, email and etc. that is sent form our handheld devices. These devices come with locks for us to think we are protected ,but whoo we really need to be protected from?
I niether agree or disagree with technology. I love technology , the phones, ipads ,and etc.I dont agree with the goverment being able to know what I am doing at all given times. I like my privacy. The goverment also has a good reason to look at emails and things if I must say so.Like being able to catch terroist would be an example. That is the kind of protection that we want the goverment to give us.