Future Development
- Expand to key locations such as University Campuses, Malls,and other popular locations
- Investigate into Food Truck services
- New ingredients and new preset meals
Pricing Strategy
In our focus group meeting, we discovered that:
- A meal below $5 became questionable.
- A meal above $8 starts to feel expensive.
- Food promotion is a demand!
Core Meal price range: $5.99-$7.99
Appetizers: $1.99
Drinks: $1.79-$2.69
Marketing Communications Strategy
- Word of Mouth: Give message about W&R to spread widely among CSUF
- Traditional Media: Pass flyers, newspapers around CSUF campus and local residents.
Distribution Strategy
- Restaurants: Plazas, malls, outlets, and school near or within company, business building, and schools. Some locations have drive through.
- Food truck: Schools, events, night or weekends markets, and fairs.
Target Market
Fast and Simple
- Low barrier of entry for customers
Deep Customization
- Numerous ingredients to mix and match your meal together.
- Benefits those with food preference or dietary restrictions.
Trust and Transparency
- Show them the fresh food!
- Use familiar cuisine and ingredients to help customer try out our restaurant.
- Healthy food options allow frequent customers to return without the guilt.
- Primary targets:
- Students and workers who want quick and healthy food
- Secondary targets:
- People prefer customized meals
- People with dietary restriction
- Shoppers in the nearby areas
Product Offering
Marketing Objectives
Situation Analysis
- Healthy food and drink
- High quality and natural ingredients
- Variety kind of rolls, sauces, and drink
- Combo wraps or rolls
- First-year: $360,000 total revenue
- Second-year: Increase sales volume and open several additional locations
- Third-year: Open restaurants in major cities across the U.S.
- SWOT Analysis
- Competition
- Product Offering
Marketing Strategy
- Objectives
- Target Market
- Pricing Strategy
- Distribution Strategy
- Marketing Communications
S.W.O.T Analysis
Team Wrap and Roll
Fall 2015
Wed 7-9:45pm
Wrap and Roll Restaurant
Joe Truong
Dat Phan
Vi Chieu
Katie Nguyen
Kristine Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
- Strength:
- Healthy Food.
- Affordable Price
- Weakness:
- Wait-time
- Consistency on the menu
- Opportunity:
- Healthy trends
- High potential customers
- Threat:
- Competitions
What is Wrap and Roll?
Wrap and Roll
- A restaurant offers a build-your-own meals approach
- Inspired by Spring Rolls, Sandwich Wraps, etc.
- Bring in a fusion of diverse cuisine for a diverse audience