Exemptions from Income
Roomer / Boarder Income
- All income must be reported by client and considered in determining eligibility
- Income must be verified- client’s responsibility
- Income Includes:
- Salaries and wages (earnings)
- Training program allowances
- Pension or Insurance benefits
- Support
- Interest and Dividends
- Loans – changes have recently been made to this policy.
- Some WSIB payments
- Earnings from dependent children
- Training allowances of dependent children or adults attending the equivalent of secondary school full time
- Tuition portion of student loans
- Some WSIB payments
- Business loans if in self employment program
- Casual gifts up to $6000 in a 12-month period
- Charitable donations
- Tax credits
- Inheritances and Windfalls less than 1000.00
- Child Tax Benefit/NCBS
- Ontario Child Benefit
- Exempt if payment is from child or grandchild receiving OW or ODSP
- 60% of rental or roomer income is charged
- 40% of boarder income is charged
- 100.00 minimum charge for either
- Deducted dollar for dollar for first three months of eligibility
- The first $200 is exempt as income and 50% of the remaining earnings are deducted in fourth and subsequent months
Interim Assistance
- Recipient experiencing hardship
- Only paid if SBT orders local office to do so
- Interim Assistance orders are time limited
- If client loses appeal, Interim Assistance an overpayment
Social Benefits Tribunal
Extended Employment Health Benefit
Extended Health Benefit
- Must be ineligible due to income from earnings
- Receive full benefits for six months or until employer offers benefits whichever comes first.
- Income precludes eligibility
- Medical costs bring them back into eligibility (children’s eyeglasses, dental, drug costs)
- Must be brought back into eligibility the month following OW ineligibility and have eligibility for EHB every month thereafter
SBT Process
- Client completes Appeal Form and submits to SBT
- Request for submission sent
- Requests for Interim Assistance processed
- Decision within 60 days of hearing
- Client requests internal review
- Office completes internal review within 30 days
- Client advised of final decision by letter
Other Employment Employment
Assistance Activities Benefit
Eligibility Criteria
accepts part time or casual employment;
· is self-employed part-time; or
· begins an approved employment assistance activity; and
· has initial costs or expenses, which must be met in order to facilitate employment or participation in an employment assistance activity including a training program.
Maximum is 253.00 12 month period
Employment Related Expenses
Item and Suggested Amount
Safety work boots/shoes (1 pair) $80.00
Hard Hat (1) $20.00 - 30.00
Work Gloves (1 pair) $15.00
Work Pants $30.00/pair
Work Shirt $30.00 each
Jeans $40.00/pair
Heavy Work Jacket (1) $80.00
Coveralls (1 pair) $50.00
Work Socks (package/3) $15.00
Shoes $30.00 - $40.00/pair
- Transportation
- Bus Passes
- Out of Town travel
- Licensing, Training Courses
- Tuition, course fees
- Supplies and Equipment
- Grooming and Clothing
- Additional Requests
Used to support ongoing costs associated with participation in employment activities:
Local Policy maximum is 150.00 a month
Can approve up to 250.00 in exceptional circumstances
Full-Time Employment Benefit
- Available if starting full-time employment
- Maximum 500.00 in a 12 month period
- Must be on OW 3 months consecutive months or more
Employment Assistance
- Province has standardized allowable assets levels
- RRSP’s, second property, cash, GIC’s, bonds, etc
- Asset Exemptions:
- Principle residence
- Primary motor vehicle
- Additional motor vehicles not exceeding 15000.00
- Tools of the Trade
- RESP’s
- Approved Self employment – 10 000.00
- Pain and Suffering awards up to 25 000.00
- Personal use items (TV, furniture)
- Some locked in RRSPs
What is Ontario Works?
Job specific skills training
Approved Education or Training
Approval Self-Employment & Supports
Basic Financial Assistance
- Difference between entitlement and amount received
- Rate of recovery is 5%
- Appealable
- Administrative error may still result in overpayment
Substance Abuse Programs
- Ontario Works is the current social assistance program that combines financial assistance with requirements for participants to enter employment activities
- Financial assistance provided for the purpose of basic needs for adults and shelter for the entire benefit unit
- The overall objective of Ontario Works is to support the shortest route to employment for the participant, based on the individual’s needs, skills and circumstances. The goal is to get people back on the road to financial independence.
- Benefits as prescribed in regulations, e.g prescription drugs
- Ineligible during incarceration period
- Basic needs deducted from cheque
- May receive full shelter in month of release
- May result in overpayment
Calculating Financial Assistance
- Legislative Authority
- OW Act
- OW Regulation 134/98
- Financial assistance includes
- basic needs and shelter,
- basic needs includes food, clothing, and personal needs for adults
- Shelter includes actual costs for rent, mortgage and taxes, or board and lodging, utility and fuel costs, up to the maximum levels.
Provided for Blind or Deaf Clients
Dog must meet the requirements of the Blind Person’s Rights Act or Hearing dogs of Canada
Maximum benefit is $76.00 a month
- Purpose of the Act
- Recognize individual responsibility and promote self reliance through employment
- Provide temporary financial assistance to those in need while they meet obligations to become and stay employed
- Effectively serve people needing assistance
- Be accountable to the taxpayers of Ontario
# Dependents other than spouse
Basic Needs
Board & Lodging
# Dependents other than spouse
Dependents 18 +
Dependents 0 - 17
Single Recipient
- Special Diet Prescribed by Medical Professional
- Maximum is $ 250.00 a month
For each additional dependent 18 + years add $109 for single parent, $92 for couple. For each additional dependent 0-17 years of age add $62 for single parent and $55 for couple
Ontario Works
- Two Stage Application Process
- Call 519-759-7009
- Or apply online
- A person has the right to apply for assistance in the area they state they reside
- Assistance cannot be refused due to no dwelling place
- Hostel referral
- Financially Dependent Sole Support Parent Living with Parents may be eligible
- First Child 338.00 monthly
- Two Children 389.00 monthly
- Three Children 444.00 monthly
Living With Parents
- Initial screening completed at local office
- Verification interview completed in local office
- Criteria for Financial Independence
- Lesser of
- Amount paid to Parents
- Basic Allowance amount
- Plus Special Diet if applicable
- $64.00 Special Allowance
Principles of Ontario Works
Application Process
Ontario Works Application
- Eligibility is determined by DAU (province)
- No participation requirements
- Asset advantages : higher levels
- Once in a lifetime
- Case Manager Completes
- Eligibility Assessment
- Financial and Employment Review
- Provides information on other Income Support Programs
- Completes a referral to ODSP if applicable
- Forms
- An Application for Assistance Form 1
- A Participation Agreement
- A Consent to Disclose and Verify Form 3
- CCRA Consent Form
- Rights and Responsibilities Form
- Must make reasonable efforts to obtain
- Assignment of benefits
- Spouses whose whereabouts are unknown are sought
- Family support worker
- Cannot agree to support amount less than child support guidelines
- Sole support parent with a child under school age
- Daily caregiver of family member suffering through a disability, illness or old age
- ODSP applicants (once only)
- Exceptional circumstances
- Individual case planning
- Shortest route to Employment for applicant or participant
- Active involvement by the participant in the planning process
- Decision making is based on the the OW Act, Provincial Directives and Local Policies
- Collaborative Community Resources-based approach
- Outcome Focused
- 600.00 per month maximum
- Ineligible if providers relationship to child is father, mother, supporting person or sibling under 18 living in home with participant
- No maximum on formal child care
- The TCB may be provided to assist eligible families who are not receiving the Ontario Child Benefit or NCBS, or are receiving less than the maximum amount.
- The TCB can be issued in most cases for four months.
Mandatory Benefits
- Benefits that must be issued to eligible participants
- Denial is appealable
Dental Care for Adults
- Applies to mandatory participants
- One month penalty 1st time, three month second and subsequent occurrences
- Refusal to accept employment, or a placement
- Failure to make reasonable efforts to obtain employment without reasonable cause
- Failure to make reasonable efforts to meet requirements (not attending scheduled appointments)
- Emergency Dental Care for Adults
- To relieve Pain
- Enable to participate in OW
- Prior Approval
Mandatory Benefits
Hearing Aids
- Health
- Harassment
- Withdrawn job offer
- Inability to meet employer standards
- Child care responsibilities
- Travel arrangements where no public transportation available
Drug Coverage
Dental Coverage
- Each eligible participant, spouse or same-sex partner and dependent is provided with drug coverage for each month they are eligible for assistance. Health coverage is limited to items covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit plan. Drug cards are issued for one month only. Automated drug cards are attached to the participant's monthly statement.
- Could also include
- Vocational training
- travel and transportation not health related
- Moving expenses
- Northern Allowance
- Crib and mattress
- Necessary repairs to a home
- Blood tests for support issues
- Cover the additional costs not covered by ADP
Dental coverage for Dependent Children
- The current MCSS Schedule of Dental Services and Fees for Mandatory Dental Coverage (April 1, 1999) provides dental coverage as approved by the Minister. Dependent children of eligible participants receive mandatory basic dental coverage as outlined in the MCSS Schedule.
Surgical Supplies & Dressings
- accessories (adhesives, skin barriers);
- catheters;
- colostomy, ileostomy and urinary supplies;
- diapers;
- drainage bags;
- incontinence and ostomy supplies; and
- other surgical supplies as required.
Vision Care
Discretionary Benefits
- Require Medical Verification
- Assist with costs to attend
- Must total 15.00 or more in a month
- Medical Appointments out of town
- Rehabilitation Therapy
- Healing Lodge
- Psychological counselling
Diabetic Supplies
- Vision Care for Dependent Children
- Contract with Wal-Mart
- Dependent children of eligible participants receive mandatory coverage.
- Coverage is provided for the purchase and repair of lenses and frames.
- alcohol swabs;
- blood glucose monitors;
- lancets;
- platforms;
- syringes; and
- test strips.
Funerals & Burials
Vision Care for Adults
- Prior Approval
- Brant OW has a contract with Wal-Mart
- Refer to Special Assistance Worker