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What Problems Does Tourism Cause?

The increase in tourism has brought many benefits but it has also caused problems. Photos A and B show two of these problems.

Many places that hoped to gain from tourism have been disappointed.

The better tourist jobs rarely go to local people.

Jobs are seasonal so there is no work for much of the year.

Tourism raises prices so locals cannot afford goods in shops.

Locals cannot afford to use tourist facilities.

Discos, bars and other tourist attractions spoil the local way of life.

Most of the money from tourism goes out of the area.

Some of the worst problems occur in the countryside. People go there for peace and quiet, and to enjoy the views. Unfortunately, they can spoil the very environment they were attracted to in the first place.

Narrow country roads are blocked by traffic.

Attractive landscapes are spoilt by tourist buildings.

Litter looks unsightly and is a danger to animals.

Walls are knocked down by careless tourists.

Gates are left open allowing animals to get out.

Popular locations are overcrowded and spoilt.

Farming land is damaged.

Farmers are unable to go about their business.

Wildlife is frightened away.

Trees and plants are damaged.


A tourist area spoilt by litter


An overcrowded tourist resort

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