Implications of these Solutions
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy has spoken to the UN about this issue.
Current Solutions
-PBS Documentary made by reporter Najibullah Quraishi called "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan"
The World's Response in the Past
-Has not been widely recognized by the world
-"Solution" in the past: by the Taliban (1996-2001) who banned this practice.
-Authorites are scared of the powerful figures who participate in Bacha Bazi, or they participate in it themselves.
-The One Million Voices is a campain by the OneVoice Movement
A group of young boys in Afghanistan
Sharif, an 11 year old boy, was filmed by the reporter who filmed the documentary for PBS.
A petition on recieved
nearly 4,000 members writing to
the UN to stop Bacha Bazi.
A boy preforming for older, wealthy men
New Solutions
How it Happens
- The Bacha Bazi “is on the increase in almost every region of Afghanistan. I asked local authorities to act to stop this practice but they do not do anything.” . (
Poor Living Conditions
- Boys are lured with promises of a better life.
- Many are sold by their families for money
How it Happens
"Let's not talk about it"
-Radhika Coomaraswamy
- Officials avoid the topic, and despite staggering evidence, a few go as far as to say the practice has not existed in their area for the past four or five years.
- Officials avoid the topic
- Some go as far as to say the problem hasn't existed in their area for years
Current Status
- Subjected to sexual slavery every day
- Men have total control over them
- Accepted form of child abuse in Afghanistan
- "Boys who become bachas are seen as property"
How it Happens
- Cast aside when they become older, the boys may even become abusers themselves.
Young boys are made to dress up as women for entertainment
The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan
How it Happens
- Create a fundraiser and raise money
- Contact your local government
- Raise awareness in your area
- While some children are lured with promises of a better life, many are also sold by their parents or kidnapped.
- More awareness, for example on social media
- #Endthebachabazi
- Better living conditions for the boys and families
- Better law enforcement on the part of local governments
How it Happens
- "When people are poor, their children are very vulnerable”.
The abusers are usually very wealthy men and are never punished.
Bacha Bazi- playing with children”, or “boy play”.
Activity Rules
- You will be chosen in groups and come to the front of the room.
- We will ask a series of question for one minute, and at the end the group will sit down and the next group will come up.
- When you are up, you must try to get 5 candies.
- You get one candy each time you answer a question. You must be the first to raise your hand and you must say the right answer.
- The questions will be about the presentation and a few are on the country of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan's Open Secret -The Bacha Bazi