Money Management
Time Frame and Administration Procedure
- Interview and task based
- Skills assessed include use of money in purchasing items, obtain and maintain source of income, budgeting of money for food, budgeting of monthly income, use of banking forms, payment of bills
Safety and Health
- Appearance
- Observation
- Scored as (I/NA) depending on conditions present
- Frequency of self-care activities
- Self-Report: completed reading & writing form
- Score based on minimum standards for frequency of Self-Care Activities
- 30-45 minutes
- Observation, task-based, and self report
- Easy to learn and administer
- Standardized scoring protocol for each area assessed
- Criterion-based assessment
- KELS Manual
- copies of all needed appendices
- pencil
- phone book
- deck of cards
- bar of soap
- money (two $1 bills, one half dollar, two quarters, one dime, four pennies)
- connected telephone
- Positive evidence of Convergent Validity (Burnett, Dyer, & Naik, 2009)
- Individuals who are identified as elderly self-neglectors are significantly more likely to fail the KELS (Pickens, Naik, Burnett, Kelly, Gleason, & Dyer, 2007)
- Culturally competent evaluation for elderly population in Israel (Zimnavoda, Weinblatt, Katz, 2002)
- Task Based
- Skills assessed include awareness of dangerous situations, identification of appropriate action for sickness and accidents, knowledge of emergency numbers, and knowledge of location of medical and dental facilities
Work and Leisure
When would you use the KELS?
What's happening in lab today?
- Interview
- Test items:
- Plans for future employment
- Leisure activity involvement
- You will be given administration instructions for five test items and a blank score sheet
- Leaders will demonstrate scoring the first test item
- Leaders will verbally answer the next four test items and you will score the results
- Leaders will give you remaining scores to conclude session
"The KELS is an occupational therapy evaluation designed to determine a person's ability to function in basic living skills" (Thomson, 1992, p. 7)
"There's no place like home..."
Transportation and Telephone
- Interview/Task Based
- Test items include mobility within the community, basic knowledge of transit system and use of phone book and telephone
Scoring Continued
17 Basic Living Skills assessed in 5 categories:
Score Interpretation
Presented by: Melissa, Katie, Neen, Paige, & Julie
- Self-care
- Safety and Health
- Money Management
- Transportation and Telephone
- Work and Leisure
- Total score is evaluated at the end of the assessment by adding
- 1 pt. for each "Needs Assistance"
- exception: "Needs Assistance" in work and leisure category earns only 1/2 pt.
- 0 pts. for "Independent," "Not Applicable," or "See Note"
- Case Study: 59 year old female with CP and hypercholesteremia. She currently lives at home with her 85 y.o. mother. Client reports desire to stay at current home.
- Score of 5.5 or less indicates client is capable of living independently
- Score of 6 or more indicates the client needs assistance to live in the community
- Score of 5 - 5.5 indicates borderline skills for living independently within the community
- Score each living skill either "Needs Assistance" or "Independent"
- Independent is defined as the level of competence required to perform basic living skills in a manner that maintains safety and health of an individual without direct assistance form others
- Directions for what constitutes these labels are available in administration instructions for each skill
- For today's lab you will be given the administration instructions for five items
The Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills (KELS)
Image Citations