Kuwait vs. The U.S.
One more thing!
"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." ( The Quran, 49:13)
There are some differences in social customs between Kuwait and the U.S., such as :
- Drinking alcohol.
- Wedding customs.
- Religious beliefs.
Kuwait constitution (Part I article 2) from the website : http://www.pm.gov.kw/en/state_Of_Kuwait/kuwaitConstitution.jsp
The Quran, (49:13) from the website : http://quran.com/49/13
Every country has norms that should be followed by its people. Indeed, Kuwait has some differences with the U.S. A few of these differences are towards drinking alcohol, wedding preparation, and practicing religion.
Thanks for your attention
Drinking Alcohol
Illegal for all ages in Kuwait while it is legal in America, but one must be 21 to be eligible
"The religion of the State is Islam, and the Islamic Sharia shall be a main source of legislation." (Constitution of Kuwait, Part I, Article 2)
Don't follow the rules?
In Kuwait :
Prison - $700 to be Free!
In the U.S.:
prison - losing driver license - receive a fine!
Wedding customs
I am Comparing Kuwait to the United States
Kuwait: Usually more than 2 days.
The U.S.: last for one day , if not only a few hours!
Cost :
Kuwait: Men bay and arrange for the whole wedding.
The U.S.: The groom and his bride share the cost.
There are some differences in social customs between Kuwait and the U.S.
Religious Beliefs
Zayed mosque
Kuwait :
Islam is the religion.
The U.S.:
Christianity is the common religion although there are many other religions too!
Kuwait :
Males pay for everything.
The bride and the groom share the cost.