GreenLight: A National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrument
The Team
The Instrument
Jerry Sheehan, Chief of Staff
California Institute for Telecommunicatoins and Information Techology (Calit2)
Early Experiments
GreenLight Awards
The Middleware Lessons
Goal is to develop a SOA
Build local first, do use case
analysis. Identify conflicts.
Your Needs Analysis May
Improve Your Instrument
-From 8 Racks to 1
-From Months to Days
Need Engagement between
Green IT Researchers and
Green IT Users
California: A National and International Leader in Sustainability
The Smart Grid Challenge: A UCSD Example
The Governor
S-3-05 GHG Targets
- 2010-GHG 2000 Level
- 2020-GHG 1990 Level
- 2050-GHG 80% of 1990
S-14-08 33% Renewable in California's Energy Portfolio
S-21-09 Directs California Air Resource Board to adopt rules for S-14-08
New MOU ramping up support for real action at Copenhagen (Action, Action, Action)
MOU signed by 14 US Governors, 7 Canadian Provinces, 5 Brazilian Governors, governors of states and regions in France, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Korea, Senegal, and Ukraine as well as the mayors of London, England, and Toronto, Ontario
- Partnership with Jiangsu Province to reduce GHG. This is China’s first substantial agreement to reduce GHG.
- Agreement with UN Development Program to share policies and technology to help Green development efforts in Africa.
Forest Protection
Assembly Bill 32
60,000 Acres of Giant Sequoia
Carbon Reduction Equivalent to 300,00 Cars
Estimated carbon value of $100M
Identify statewide GHG emissions for 1990 to serve as emissions limit to be achieved by 2020.
- 427 million metric tons of CO2e goal, roughly 30% reduction.
Mandatory reporting and verification of GHG emissions by major emitters on or before Jan 1, 2008.
- If you emit over 25,000 metric tons of CO2e reporting is required.
Identify and adopt regulations for discrete early actions enforceable by or before January 2010.
California Carbon