Time for Change?
As we all take for granted having a place to come home to everyday...
there are new children being born everyday with no home to claim as their own.
The Facts
In 1991, more than 12,000 babies were birthed and abandoned in hospitals across the country. Of those 12,000, more than 10,000 newly born children resided in hospitals because they lacked adequate parents to go home to. Only 6% of those children found a stable family to call their own (Easton 14).
“Fewer than 8% of system kids can look forward to adoptive homes” (Easton 14).
Why are children not finding suitable homes?
Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act
This act also stated that a reasonable effort by the case workers must be given to rehabilitate the parents.
Judges offer too many chances for the parents to show they can raise a child.
Before the court is allowed to take the child’s rights away from the parents, caseworkers must give the biological parents ample time to get their lives in order and prove that they are fit parents. Also, there had to be a clear failure to show that the parents neglected to keep in contact with the child and take the necessary steps to get their child back (Spake 30).
How long does the process take?
Within the first eighteen months of a child being placed in a foster home, a plan must be set for the child that tells of a permanent living arrangement.
This eighteen month time frame is just a number to the judges. Often times the process of terminating the biological parents rights takes much longer.
If the biological parents do not show up to court, the case will keep being rescheduled until they show up, which could take many months.
Neglect the fact they have a child
Do not show up for visits
Do not show up for court dates
Fail to follow the orders given to them by the judge
Are still given the opportunity to maintain custody of their child