Graph Showing The Increase In Casualisation
- The graph shows the increase in casualisation in the Australian workforce from 1992 to 2008
- Casualisation has increased by 17% in the 15-24 age group
- In total casualisation has increased by 27% across the entire Australian workforce over a period of 16 years
What is Casualisation?
Disadvantages of Casualisation
- Hard for a business to plan for the future as there is no stable workforce
- Businesses are required to pay casual staff more per hour
- Workers are not settled which leads to unproductive work
- Businesses can lose talented and skilled workers that are seeking full time employment
- Casualisation is the reduction in full time or part time employees and an increase in casual employees
- Over the past 16 years casualisation of the Australian workforce has increased by 27%
- There are many positive and negative affects of casualisation on both employers and employees
- As a result there have been many social and economic implications
Implications For Employers
Advantages of Casualisation
- Businesses do not have to pay benefits such as sick and annual leave
- Can reduce expenses by hiring casual employees only when needed
- May improve productivity and efficiency
- Can fire any employees that are under performing without any major costs
- Many employees have low self esteem as they are unable to acquire a full time position
- With casual work comes more intense periods of employment which jeopardises the work/life balance
- There are no benefits such as annual, sick and careers leave which can be very stressful for employees
- Casual workers have greater chances of anxiety and depression due to the uncertainty of employment and income
- Casual workers are often put under more stress to meet deadlines
- Becomes difficult to obtain finance as there is no certainty of employment
Social Implications of Casualisation
Economic Implications
- Greater profits are generated for businesses through reducing wage expenses
- May lead to higher levels of unemployment in the workforce
- Creates greater productivity for businesses which increases profits
- Increased turnover of staff
- Increased Centrelink assistance for low income earners
- Increased long term casualised employment
Implications For Employees
Disadvantages of Casualisation
Advantages of Casualisation
- Do not receive benefits such as sick and annual leave
- There is little to no job security
- No regular working hours/ pay checks
- No stability
- Reduced work/life balance
- Flexible working hours
- Higher pay rate then full time work
- Not locked into a contract
- May lead to permanent work if the employee performs
- Continually meet new people
Causes of Casualisation
- The supply of casual workers has increased significantly amongst certain demographics
- Casualisation increased by 17% in the age group of 15-24 year olds over a period from 1992 to 2008
- This is due to the fact that casual work allows this demographic to balance work, study and family
- Casualisation has also become more popular amongst wokers as it allows them to get their 'foot in the door'
Causes of Casualisation
- Caused by the forces of demand and supply
- Businesses have undergone significant structural change over the past two decades
- Businesses are demanding more casual workers
- 65% of casual workers accepted the positions because full time work was not available
- Businesses demand casual workers because they don't pay non-wage benefits and dismissal is relatively easy
- Casualisation is continuing to rise at a rapid rate in Australia
- There are many positive and negative effects of casualisation on both employers and employees
- The increases in casuaslisation have been caused by the forces of demand and supply from both businesses and households
- Due to casualisation many social implications have arisen that have had profound effects on employees and society
- There are also many economic implications resulting from casualisation that effect households and businesses
Key Findings Table and Conclusion
Interview with Mr Bagnara ( 9th June 2013)
Interview with Mrs. Zollo (9th June 2013)