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Traditional vs Modern Methods of Teaching

Characteristics of Innovative Approach

Characteristics of Traditional Teacher

1. Believes in "The Scandal of Education" said by Seymour Papert. That every time the teacher teaches something she/he deprives a child/ a student of the pleasure and benefit of discovery.

2. The teacher could shift from a linear type of learning to a hypermedia learning to consider students that prefer to use online services to search a topic instead of laborious learning through pages of book.

1. The knowledge he/she has on the subject he/she teaches is only good until the time he/she graduated from college. He/ she does not strive to update his/her knowledge since then.

3. It is a learning centered education that begins with an evaluation of the abilities, learning style, social context and other important factors that affect learning.

4. Students are navigating to learn, they did not just simply answer and analyze, but they can synthesize. They engage with information sources and other people and then build construct higher level structure and mental images.

5. Teachers make learning fun and exciting. It keeps, holds or maintains in the mind of the learners for them to receive and to take into consideration all the knowledge being imparted. Entertainment has always been a profound part of the learning process. Best teachers are entertainers.

2. Threats and physical punishment are parts of disciplining her/his students. She/he may also use any of the following keeping a long stick to whip unruly students, pinching them for being inattentive, letting misbehaved students to squat and placing books on their hands, shouting on top of her/his voice, and other similar acts.

3. Threat students as if they are undergoing rigid military training. They have to sit up straight, minimize movements, talk only when ask.

4. He/she is self-centered, allowing no idea coming from students and no question arising from them either.

5. Opts for conformity, expecting each student to come up with preconceived learning results.

6. Blames his/her teaching inefficiency to a lot of things including his very own students; one thing for sure though is he/she does not and will never blame himself/herself for it.

7. He/she is subject-centered expecting his/her students to conform with the lesson.

8. He/she lacks creativity and resourcefulness in solving common problems he encounters in his teaching.

9. When he/she is comfortable with one teaching method, he/she will stick to it and will never depart from it like an ever faithful and fanatic movie fan.


Traditional vs Modern Methods of Teaching

Characteristics of Traditional teacher

Characteristics of Innovative Approach

Characteristics of Today's Learning

Characteristics of Today's Learners

Traditional Method vs Modern / Innovative Approach

6. a sense of immediacy and urgency

7. acceptance of diversity

8. assertiveness and self-reliance

9. trustworthy

1. free expression and strong views

2. fierce independence

3. emotional and intellectual openness

4. inclusion

5. inquisitiveness and curiosity

1. Allow greater student participation in the activity.

1. This method calls for teacher's monopoly of the teaching learning process.

Traditional Method vs Modern / Innovative Approach

2. Explores different avenues for learning.

2. Limits the class activity within the four walls of the classroom.

Traditional Method vs Modern / Innovative Approach

3. Provides students with certain degree of freedom, giving them chance to develop their creativity and resourcefulness.

3. It opts for conformity, thus expecting each student to come up with the predetermined learning results.

Traditional Method vs Modern / Innovative Approach

4. Answer the "what" of learning, thus capitalizing on the use of memory work, question and answer method, etc.

4. Emphasizes the "why" and the "how" of learning, thus encouraging students to do investigatory and explanatory work.

Traditional Method vs Modern / Innovative Approach

5. Problems seem to be insurmountable causing the teacher to bog down in his teaching.

5. Requires teacher's ingenuity in confronting problems in teaching, involves the students and taps community resources as a solution to these problems.

Presented by: Bekbayeva Almira

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