The Philosophical "Trinity"
"Crito, we owe a rooster to Asclepius. Please, don't forget to pay the debt."
Create a visual interpretation of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave based on a contemporary analysis. (Make a modern day version of the story). This might be a picture, a comic strip, or whatever other wonderful idea you come up with that involves a visual recreation of the story. Your visual may or may not include words, but you must be able to explain the visual if asked to.
- The search for wisdom and knowledge
- From Greek word "Philosophia" - the love of wisdom
"Gadfly" of Athens
Jacques-Louis David, 1787
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
- Little known about him
- Interested in broad concepts
- Believed in asking questions
- "Socratic Method"
What is Reality?
Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
Allegory of the Cave
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
- Nature, Truth, Government
- Most famous work "Republic"
- The Divided Line & The Cave
- Promoted "Philosopher Kings"
- Created "The Academy"
- Atlantis
- Student of Plato
- Used philosophy for examination of concrete studies - nature, science, math
- Introduced concepts of - reason and logic
Homework - Student Choice:
- Choice 1: Create a “divided line” discussing the ideals and realities of something in your own life - Should include "divided line" and 1-2 paragraphs of explanation
- Choice 2: Create a visual interpretation of "The Allegory of the Cave" based on a contemporary analysis (modern day version of the story)
- Due - Tomorrow