The amount of phonemes decreases throughout the path of migration. The map below shows the relationship between phonemes and this theory.
Pacific Ocean - North America
15,000-35,000 Years Ago
Migration into Northern/Middle Asia around 25,000-35,000 years ago
European Region
Around 40,000-50,000 years ago there was a migration into the European region
Further Proof: Genetic Evidence
North America
There is genetic evidence of this theory through mtDNA. Humans show 1/3 genetic mutations that are in African populations. Africans do not show new genetic mutations that are in non-African populations.
The migration into North America was around 20,000 Years ago - either through East Asia or through the North Atlantic Ocean
East Asia
Migration into East Asia around 60,000 years ago
North Africa
There is an estimate that around 100,000 years ago South Africans migrated into the North Africa
Did You Know?
The closer to Africa, the more likely modern human fossils are found deeper in sedimentary layers.
The Beginning
South America
The Out of Africa Theory is a suggestion that humans migrated out of Africa to colonize Europe and Asia around 140,000 to 290,000 years ago.
Everything started here in South Africa.
Some scientists believe the migration was around 15,000 years ago into South America
Australia and Surrounding Islands
The migration into Australia and surrounding islands was approximated between 50,000-70,000 years ago
Final Destination
The migration path ends here starting from South Africa to South America
Image Citations:
Geology 1004. "Superposition." Exam 3. StudyBlue, n.d. Web. 21 May 2014. <>.
"Out of Africa." The Mother of All Languages. The Wall Street Journal, 15 Apr.
2011. Web. 21 May 2014. < SB10001424052748704547604576262572791243528>.
Out of Africa Theory
This presentation will take you through the human migration path.
*all numbers are an approximation based on reliable scientific sources *