Waste to Energy Pros and Cons
- Public isnt convinced that WTE facilities are completely clean and free of harmful chemicals
- WTE facilities are expensive to construct (so are landfills)
- Majority of waist that goes in landfills can be re-used
- Reduces weight and volume of waste before it enters a landfill
- Capacity of landfills are expanded
- Energy (heat and electricity) are produced from steam created during combustion process
- Air pollution from combustion process
- Possibility of toxic ash
- (Although many pollutants can be removed before they enter the air)
- Reducing the need for fossil fuels may prove to be more important in the future
- Fuel is obtanable cheaply
- There will always be a reliable source of fuel as people will always have waste
- Energy can reduce the need to burn aditional fossil fuels creating electricity or heat
- Removal of fly ash and acid gases from the stack result in bottom ash
- Toxic ash may inadvertently be placed in regular MSW landfills creating the potential for toxic leachate in groundwater.
That Could Now Power That
- Current landfill sites can be mined out and landfill material can be used as fuel
- Separates natural resources to properly be recycled
- Cheap energy
photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli