- King William's War (1689-1697) war fought largely between French trappers, British settlers, and their respective allies.
- The colonial theater of the larger war of the League of Augsburg in Europe.
Queen Anne's War (1702-1713)
-The 2/4 war in the French and Indian wars.
- Rose from unsolved issues in William's war and the war of spanish succession.
- Britain defeated France and gained territory in Canada despite losing majority of engagements.
The French and Indian War
More about both Wars
Pitt's Palms of Victory
The clash of Empires
France Finds a Foothold in Canada
- Both wars were made up of small detachments of troops engaging in guerrilla warfare
- Neither country was deeply committed in either conflict
- Treaty signed at Utrecht in 1713
France and ally Spain defeated badly by Britain
Britain given Acadia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay
Strategy for victory
- Focused on the Montreal area
- Defeat French stronghold to conquer the rest of French lands
Battle of Quebec
- 1759
- Montreal falls in 1760
- French troops driven out of North America
1763 Peace Treaty
- France relinquished all land in North America
- Allowed to keep several sugar islands in the West Indies
- Gave all Mississippi River area land to Britain
Britain becomes dominant force in North America
Strongest navy in world
Emergence as a European power
- Louis XIV becomes king in 1643
- Takes interest in North America 1608
- Friendly relations with Huron Indians
Agree to battle against Iroquois
Iroquois then ally themselves with Britain
Government of New France
- Under direct control by Henry XIV
- French peasants had no motive to move out of France
- New government offered no freedom of religion
Chapter 6:
The Duel for North America