History of the BAU
Ted Bundy
- The BAU is the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI
- It was organized in 1974 and 1976 to investigate serial homicides and rapes
- Organized by John Douglas and Robert Ressler
The purpose of the FBI in general is to help solve crimes committed between states or high profile crimes. The BAU helps in that respect but is also used for consolation for high profile cases by other states
- In 1979 only 59 cases were assessed by the BAU
- by 1995 over 1000 were reviewed by the BAU
Profile of Son of Sam
What was Predicted:
- Believed to be a "disorganized" serial killer.
- Determined to be a paranoid schizophrenic and that he “possessed demonic powers”.
- Likely was a loner and had difficulties establishing and maintaining relationships.
- 0.44 caliber Charter Arms Bulldog revolver.
Jeffery Dhamer
Disorganized Killer
Who he was:
- White male.
- Well-groomed” muscular man of 200-215 lbs, 5’8” tall.
- Used letters he was writing to law enforcement to find him.
Predicted profile of the Zodiac Killer
Predicted Profile of Jack the Ripper
- Believed to be a compulsive liar and a narcissist.
- A loner.
- Incapable of holding a steady job.
- Incapable of maintaining any meaningful relationships with women.
- Had mother-hostility and an unhappy childhood,
- Unassuming in appearance and manner, but daring and calm in the face of unimaginable violence.
- Middle-aged.
- A loner.
- Lived in the area of Flower and Dean Street in east London
- He was between 5'5" and 5'7" (165-170 cm) tall.
- He was stocky, with a full face.
- He had dark hair and a dark moustache.
- He was between 25 and 35 years old.
- He had a fair complexion.
What is Criminal Profiling?
What can be gained from a profile?
- Age
- Race
- Sex
- Personality
- Profession
- Location
- Lifestyle
Profile of George Metesky
When is profiling used?
- It is the analysis of a crime to hopefully lead to the perpetrator
- A foreign-born male of eastern European descent.
- 40 and 50 years of age.
- Bachelor living with female relatives.
- Clean-shaven, neatly dressed man with an athletic build.
- Fit the profile perfectly
- To link cases
- Often in cases of serial rape or serial murder
- Also used in bombings and arson
- Profiling can also be used by hostage negotiators
- It uses three sciences:
- Behavioral Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- Forensic Science
Predicted Profile of the LI Serial Killer
What is Forensic Psychology?
- Believed to be an "organized" serial killer.
- Established relations through Craigslist.
- Likely a white male in his late 30s or 40s.
- Likely married or has a girlfriend.
- Well educated, technologically adept, and well spoken.
- Likely very charming.
- Financially secure.
- Has a reliable job.
- Owns a car or truck.
- Familiar with Ocean Parkway on the South Shore of Long Island.
- According to the American Psychological Association, it is the application of clinical specialties to the legal arena.
- There is no such thing as a profiler, profiling is a method used by forensic psychologsts and criminal analysts.
- Made popular by shows, such as Criminal Minds, but creates an inaccurate representation of profiling, along with many misconsepections.
What methods are used to create a profile?
- Forensic Psychologists use the crime scene analysis or if the victim survives, their testimony to predict how the suspect acts
- Victim Profiling is also used if there is a pattern between the victims it can provide answers to the question: Why?
- The date, location, victim, weapon and use of the weapon, struggle presence of forced entry all can help create a profile
Forensic Psychology
Criminal Profiling