Allied Bombardment of Iraq begins
Battle of Al-Khafji
Saddam Hussein moves forces to border
- The UN deadline time had ran out and Iraq had not complied to their rules
- January 17th 1991, 555,000 troops arrived- composed of mainly US troops but also Western European troops and Arab troops
- The Allies had hoped that this would pose as a big enough threat and Saddam would leave Kuwait, however Saddam was overconfident and didn't leave
- Operation Dessert Shield soon transformed to Operation Dessert Storm and the attack on Iraq in Kuwait had began. The operation included two parts- an air bombardment on Iraq as a nation and a ground war against the Iraqi Army
- January 29- February 1 1991
- This was the first major ground battle of the First Gulf War. The battle took place in Al-Khafji, Syria
- Saddam had ordered the invasion of the city from Southern Kuwait and originally captured the city, providing him with propaganda
- However the US and Saudi Arabia retaliated and recaptured the city within 3 days by using ground forces and air forces
- The battle showed how air forces can be very impactful in a war situation
- July 15th 1990
- The situation with Kuwait intensified, Iraq accused them of stealing 2 billion dollars worth of oil from Rumaila oil field which Iraq claimed as theirs
- Saddam also claimed that Kawait's unwillingness to dissolve the debts from the Iraq-Iran War classified as military aggression and Kuwait was stabbing them in back
- Saddam them backed up his verbal attacks and moved the Republic Guard divisions- causing a military threat
UN deadline IMposed
- The UN for the first time had the support of both world super powers (US and USSR).
- They tried to initially establish a deadline for Iraq to leave Kuwait
- On November 29th 1990, with Iraq still not complying the UN's demands they imposed Resolution 678
- Resolution 678 stated that if Iraq did not leave Kuwait by January 15th 1991, any country could use any means necessary to attack Kuwait
- This action also showed the all too real possibility that the UN could not stop every war
Land Campaign starts
Kuwait City is Liberated
- February 27th 1991
- Due to the tough land campaign with the combination of the earlier air attacks, all Iraqi forces were surrounded
- President George Bush, then announced that Kuwait City was liberated and soon made the announcement that all of Kuwait had been liberated
Iraq invades Kuwait
- February 24th 1991
- With the use of air power, Iraqi forces (including their troops and fortifications) had been severely damaged and lead to the start of a land attack/ campaign
- When the attack came it quickly succeeded in driving the Iraqi forces out of Iraq
- Different groups attacked the Iraqi from all angles
- On the 24th, the US marines and Saudi task force attacked from the East and made quick advances, while the French and US attacked from the West
- On 25th-26th the US, Saudi Arabia and Egypt had surrounded Kuwait city
US troops and Aircrafts deploy to Saudia Arabia
UN resolution Ends the First Gulf War
- August 2nd 1990
- Saddam met with the US ambassador and got the impression the US/ the world would not get involved if they attacked Kuwait
- Under that impression Saddam launched the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
- With more than 100,000 soldiers, and 2000 tanks, Iraq appeared unstoppable and the Kuwaiti royal family fled Kuwait
- Eventually on August 28th, Kuwait would be declared as the 19th providence of Iraq
- August 7th 1990
- Saddam had miscalculated the USA's response, the attack left Iraq with to much control over oil and left the possibility open for an attack on Saudi Arabia- The US's ally in the middle east
- Saudi Arabia began letting US forces gather in their country as a part of operation Dessert Shield
- Ultimately the Allies stopped short of invading Iraq. This is because an attack on Iraq could have divided the UN with the Arab Countries
- The war did succeed in the sense that Iraq left Kuwait and power was restored to Kuwait's royal family. It also was a result of what the UN Security Council had wanted
- However this war didn't really change situations in the middle east as Saddam remained in power
Saddam Hussein, Money and Kuwait
- Background: In 1979 Saddam Hussein had gained control and became President of Iraq. Due to a new leader in Iran tensions worsened between Iraq and Iran causing a 8 year long war. During the war Iraq borrowed and went into debt with Kuwait, France, USA and Russia
- Iraq attempted to not pay back Kuwait, claiming they were protecting them in the War with Iran
- Kuwait did not agree with Iraq and demanded they pay them the debt they owned
- This action developed tensions between Iraq and Kuwait
First Gulf War Timeline
The First Gulf War - Short History - Department History - Office of the
Historian. Retrieved from https://history.state.gov/departmenthistory/short-history/firstgulf
Operation Desert Storm: 25 Years Since the First Gulf War - The
Atlantic. Retrieved from
Persian Gulf War | 1990-1991 | Britannica.com. Retrieved from
Rogers, K. & Thomas, J. (2015). Causes and Effects of 20th Century
Wars. London, UK: Pearson Education Limited.
By: Alyssa Mencel