Asante Tribe
The Asante/Ashanti tribe is a subgroup off of the tribe Akan located in Ghana.
Subgroups of the Akan group speak 'Twi' so the Asante tribe speaks 'Asante Twi'
Hello! Ayikoo!
How are you? Wo ho to sen?
My name is... Me din de...
Customs/ Religions
The Asante tribe is mainly Akan. Akan is also a religion. The Akan religion is based around a single God, named Brekyirihunuade (He who knows and sees everything). Unlike other religions, there are no Priests, Rabbis, Ministers, etc.
Arts/ Clothing
The Asante's love art and music. Their tribe is known for their beautiful upholstery, and furniture. They also have very unique African style music.
The Asante Tribe wear very big, bright, and colorful African clothing. At funerals, wedding, or ceremonies to Asante people wer big hats and kots of jewlery made of dried plants.
The Asante tribe has two main folktales. One about a stool, the other about a spider. The "Golden Stool" supposedly came from the skies in the late 1700's. Ever since, the stool has been a sacred object. The spider is a spirit who takes form in spiders and brings good to peoples lives. The spider is wise and mischievous.
European Colonization
The Asante Tribe was once colonized by the Dutch in 1823. Their rival tribe, the Fantes were colonized by the British. Up until the early 1900's the British fought with the Asantes and the Fantes fought with the Dutch. In 1921 both tribes earned their independence.
The End!
Ghana, Africa