Biotic Elements
Deciduous forest is the southernmost region in Ontario. It is also located in Quebec.
All ecosystems and biomes have biotic elements.
Deciduous Forest in Canada
By: Sharahan & Deleshia
Description (Better Understanding)
Deciduous forest is Canada's smallest forest region. It has the largest number of native tree speceis found in any region. The forest has scattered woodlots remaining, which are too poor for agriculture. Usually it has the biggest diversity of tree species and the the lowest proportion of forest. In Canada the deciduous forest has the most diverse forest life in Ontario.
The deciduous forest has four seasons: spring, summer, winter and autumn. In summer the average temperature is about 70 degrees fahrenheit. Summer usually starts in early August and ends in late august. Winter dosen't start until December. In winter the region usually has 14 inches of rainfall and in the the summer it has more than 18 inches of rainfall.
Abiotc Elements
All biomes and ecosystems have abiotic elements. The abiotic elements in the deciduous forest are: rocks, soil, sunlight, water such as snow, rain, rivers and lakes, and air such as oxygen, and wind.