ISSS services for this stage include:
- Welcome (back) appointments in first month of classes
- Referring students to appropriate resources
- Counseling Center
- Academic Affairs
- Student Affairs
- Connecting them with other students from their home country
- RSOs
- Interest groups
- Community organizations
- Programming to demystify and learn about American culture
Counseling Center
- Initial Appointments are scheduled on a same-day basis
- Call 217-333-3704 starting at 7:50am to schedule an appointment for later that day (call early; we fill up quickly)
- Location: 2nd Floor of Turner Student Services Building (610 East John Street)
- Contact: (217) 333-3704
- CONFIDENTIAL, FREE (covered by Health Service Fee)
For more information, check the Counseling Center website:
Four Stages of Cultural Adaptation
- Not only retain allegiance to your home culture
- But also "feel at home" in the US
- Adjusted to norms and standards of the University
- Initial enthusiasm, fascination
- Positive attitude
- Lots of energy
- Excitement
- "Dreams come true"
Common Experiences of the Honeymoon Stage
- Eager to please
- Nod or smile
- People think you understand
- In fact, you did not understand
Misunderstandings build up and you move into the second stage...
Common Experiences of the Adaptation Stage
- More adventurous
- Seek new learning opportunities
- Try out new approaches
- Feel more motivated
- Seek the company of others
- Desire to explore
Gradual Recovery /
- Sense of humor returns
- Routines established
- Energy comes back
- Feel constructive and useful
- Less judgemental
Common Experiences of
Adjustment Stage
- Interested in surroundings
- Ask more questions
- Make more friends
- Able to manage the size and complexity of the University
Laugh at minor misunderstandings
and mistakes!
Culture Shock / Crisis
Tips for moving out of the Culture Shock/Crisis Stage
- Realize that you are possibly in this stage of cultural adjustment
- Realize that it is normal for everyone to go through it
- Talk to someone from your own country
- Meet Americans
- Join a club or organization (RSO)
- Put things into perspective
- Discuss your concerns with an ISSS advisor!
- We can help you talk through your concerns and refer you to the appropriate campus resources!
- Discouraged
- Tired
- Frustrated with self
- Fear and mistrust
- Homesick
- Negative feelings of others
- Bored
- Stressed
- Confused
- Angry
Typical Challenges of Culture Shock/Crisis Stage
- Physical sickness
- Anger over minor frustrations
- Lack of motivation
- Skip classes or important gatherings
- Academic and social problems begin
How do I get out of this stage?
Source: University of Illinois, Study Abroad Office