You're submitting a sealed bid for a concrete parking lot...
- Concrete- 450 yards @ $100/yard
- 3/8 Rebar- 2.5 bundles @ $1000/bundle
- Sealer- 2 barrels @ $1000/barrel
- Labor
- 6 Finishers- $
- 5 General Laborers- $
- 7 Days @ 12hrs/day
- Keep in mind your personal profit.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong...
- Change Orders: An addition to a contract already awarded.
- The BOE must approve change orders that increase the original amount of the contract.
- Cannot exceed 15% for contracts under $1,000,000
- Cannot exceed 10% for contracts over $1,000,000
- Retainage: The holding of funds to ensure performance
- 10% until 50 % complete
- 5% after completed project
- Securities in lieu of retainage
Bid Day!
What Happens After Bids Are Opened?
- Awarding of bids must be within 30 days of the bid opening, with up to a 15 day extension.
- The board will award the bid to the lowest and MOST RESPONSIBLE bidder.
- If bid is not awarded to the lowest bidder, the board must submit a publicized statement providing the reasoning behind their decision.
- Taxpayers have 10 days to challenge the contract and seek remedy in district court.
What's Next...
What Could Possibly Go Wrong...
Reasons For Rejecting A Bid
- Contract has to be signed
- Bonds and insurance must be in place
- payment bond
- completion bond
- defect bond
- liability insurance
- workman's compensation insurance
- The district must give the notice to proceed, not the architect
- Contract time starts as soon as the notice is given by the district
- Requirements of the law not met
- Defective workmanship
- Late performance
- The board has the right to reject all bids if it is in the public's best interest.
- Errors or omissions can cause the lowest bidder to withdraw their bid
- When public health and safety issues arise emergency provisions are in place
- Actual or appearances of collusion/conspiracy
- Giving out advance information regarding the bid THIS IS A FELONY!
Bid Process
- All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, no late bids will be accepted.
- Bids will be opened in accordance to the date, time, and location stated in the advertised legal notice.
- There must be an administrator of the district present for the opening bid.
- Each sealed bid must contain...
- A bid form with the bid amount
- A bond or cashier's check for 5% of the bid
- Addendum and alternates
- Affidavits: Sex offenders, no alcohol, no weapons, etc.
What is the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act?
Unless otherwise provided by law, all public construction contracts in excess of $50,000 shall be given to the lowest RESPONSIBLE bidder, through open competitive bidding after public requests for sealed bid.
When is the Competitive Bidding Act not required?
- Professional Services: Attorneys, Consultants, Architects, Construction Management Services, etc.
- Directly purchasing materials
- Old or new buses
- Federal commodities
Construction Projects Under $50,000
- Projects between $25,000 and $49,999
- Must submit a written bid in compliance with the district policy.
- Could be subject to specific BOE approval.
- Must provide a written contract and proof of insurance, such as workman's comp and liability.
- Projects less than $25,000
- May be negotiated without a sealed bid.
- Could be subject to specific BOE approval.
- Must provide a written contract and proof of insurance, such as workman's comp and liability.
How To Have A Successful Competitive Bid!
Advertising-Legal Notice
- All prospective bidders who have made known, in writing, their interest in bidding, shall receive a bid notice by mail.
- Two notices shall be published in a general circulation newspaper within the district's county. The two bid publications cannot be in the same week.
- Bids must be publicized for 20 days, starting on the first day of publication.
- All bid documents must be on file at the awarding public agency.
First Things First...
- Projects must be designed by an architect who holds a current license to do business in Oklahoma.
- All building projects and/or plans require approval and authorization from the BOE for the district to seek bids.
Jennifer Johnson
Kenyelle Waiters
Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act (Title 61)