To obtain the highest amount of money/points.
Initial briefcase choosing
- Determine the order of participants via Pickerwheel.
- In accordance with the order determined in (A), the teams will select their initial briefcases. The teams will not know the amount in their chosen briefcases. They are only given one (1) minute to pick their briefcases.
Briefcase elimination
- In accordance with the order determined in (I.A.), the teams will select one briefcase per round which will affect the amount in their initial chosen briefcase. They are only given thirty (30) seconds to pick their briefcases per round.
- Through Pickerwheel, determine if the amount of briefcase chosen in (II.A.) will be added to or deducted from their original briefcase.
- The amount of the II.A. briefcase will be shown after determining the proper treatment (II.B.).
- Starting the second round of choosing (II.), the banker will make an offer.
To correctly guess the rumbled words as many as the team can within the given time.
- Players are the top 2 teams from the GMS, KNB and the winning team from Deal or No Deal.
- There are three categories - Movies, Celebrities and Places
- The first team to chat their team name in the chat box will be able to choose their category first and will also be the first to play the round.
- During the round, the team shall unmute themselves and open their web cameras.
- This is a team effort. The team shall read the rumbled words first before guessing the correct word within 2 minutes. The team can use PASS.
- The team with the most points wins.
- The host will announce the level of difficulty (easy, moderate, difficult).
- Once the host announces the level of difficulty, the first team to chat their team name in the chat box will be able to make the diskarte first (Game or Pass). The next two teams who chat their team name should be able to answer next (i.e., steal), if the first team fails to answer the question.
- The answer must be stated within 5 seconds. The first answer (word/words) that the representative will say will be considered as the final answer.
- For the Difficult questions, the game master will flash on the screen a code which should be chatted by each team in the chat box in order to have the privilege of making a diskarte first. The next two teams who are able to chat the code should be able to answer next (i.e., steal), if the first team fails to answer the question.
May the odds be ever in your favor!
- If the offer is rejected, they will continue in participating (i.e., choosing the briefcases which will affect their money/points).
- If the offer is accepted, the amount offered by banker will be their final money/points which will be used in determining the final winner for this game. They will no longer choose briefcases moving forward.
- Continue the process until all briefcases are exhausted.
Determination of winner
The team with the highest amount of money/points shall win this game and participate in the third game (i.e., Wika Rambulan)
Prizes are determine as follows:
Place Prize
1st 700
2nd 500
3rd 400
- Each team will have two special powers - the ATRAS power and PASS TANONG power.
- Each Team will have three (3) atras powers. They may use them to prevent the other teams from reaching the top first.
- Each Team will have two (2) pass tanong powers. They may use this to pass the question to another team. If the team who was assigned with the question fails to answer the question, the team who passed the question gets the point. Otherwise, the point goes to the assigned team.
The first two teams who will reach the top of the ladder (or highest level of the ladder) will advance to the final round. The losing teams will play in a wildcard game (e..g., DEAL OR NO DEAL) to get the opportunity to play in the final round.
To reach the top of the ladder first within 45 minutes.
- There are three sets of questions - Easy, Average, Difficult. Unlike the original Pilipinas, Game Ka Na Ba TV show where questions are basically HARD, the questions in this Game are simple and uncomplicated.
Easy 1 step
Average 2 steps
Difficult 3 steps
- Questions are categorized into Names, Dates, Movies, Songs, etc.
- Players are divided into 5 groups.
- Each group will determine the order of its members who will answer the questions.
- Other members of the group can help the representative. However, it should be the representative who should say the answer.