Chlorine and Ammonia
thank you
by - anna jose
how do they work?
is it bad for the environment?
What is chlorine and ammonia ?
Ammonia and chlorine are household cleaners. They can also be used as a bleach or a disinfectant.
are they natural or man made?
Ammonium is actually water and ammonium hydroxide.
lye - reacts with oils and fats to form soaps.
how does it work?
modern bleach
explosives made of nitrate
chlorine is an exception
World War I
never throw away extra cleaning solution
wear a mask
use in very dilute amounts
use chlorine or ammonia free cleaners
are they acids?
always wear gloves
use it less frequently
What we can do to help?
long term effects
what is so bad about this process?
sight disorders
minute changes and alterations
is it harmful?
lung disorders
any spare ammonia or chlorine should be thrown in the soil
toxic fumes
global warming
never mix ammonia and chlorine
pollution of water bodies
dont use around children or pets
work in ventalated area
keep all chemical products out of reach of children
contaminate marine life
how does it work?
why cant they mix?
what is it used for?