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Ireland's education is ranked 11th best in the world according to and requires education free from ages 6-16 or up until you have done 3 years of secondary school. You transfer to Post Secondary school at 12 years old and have exams after 2-3 years of Post Primary school.
In Ireland, the health care is great. If you are from Ireland and you are a legal citizen of Ireland then you get health care free. However, if you are not from Ireland and you are only visiting or you just aren't a citizen then you will get certain health care free and will have to pay for the remainder. according to, Ireland's education is ranked 9th best out of 36 countries.
Ireland is known to be really beautiful filled with old castles and houses with green vines crawling up the sides or lovely waterfalls in forests and Lots of other beautiful scenery as well. in the top left corner is Powerscourt Waterfall. It is 130m (425ft) high and is located near Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. In the top right corner is Dublin Castle. It is over 800 years old and was founded by the first Celtic tribe in the 1st Century A.D.. These are just a few of many of Irleand's great attractions.
For More information on Dublin
Castle and other great attractions
Click the link below!
The population through out the piece of land is a scattered population however, it also has a linear population. That is around the Irish sea and on the perimeter of the country.
A transitional distribution is when there is a large population group of working age people.In total, Ireland's population is 4,775,982 as of July 2013. Here is the percentage of the population in each age group.
Workers in Ireland march in Dublin against the government's response to the financial problem in 2009
The #1 sustainability challenge in Ireland right now is attempting to have an economic growth. Ireland was hit hardest during the global financial crisis. This is happening because of a recession that happened in 2008. In 2009 the workers had a marching protest down the streets of Dublin. Even though that was almost 5 years ago, it's still affecting them greatly.
Photo credit:
The Irish govenment has a plan that is well thought out and detailed. The link in the bold font will take you to a government written document about their action plan for Ireland called "Our Sustainable Future".,30452,en.pdf
I predict that based on the map, in the future the people in the current replace the 420,000 people from the age group of 35-39 in about 2039 -2042. The ones replacing them will be about 30 years old by then.
Ireland is a great place that started between 600 BC and 150 BC by Celtic Tribes. In 1973, Ireland moved away from the British Commonwealth and joined the European community. As of 2006 the Irish and British governments developed and began to put the St. Andrews agreement (an agreement about the power to Northern Ireland) in effect thereby building on to the Good Friday agreement (The day they agreed to let Britain have the power to Northern Ireland) which was approved in 1998.
61 yrs. - A judge on the singing competition show "The X-Factor".
If you are over the age of 18 as of February 15 and a legal, Irish citizen, then you can vote in the election election that year. The next election in Ireland is going to be by April 8, 2016 latest. Currently, the president of Ireland is Michael D. Higgins. He is 72 years old and was elected president of Ireland on November 11, 2011.
20 yrs. - The Only blonde member, and Irish member from the famous boy band One Direction.
60 yrs. - "James Bond" actor who started his acting career as a character in "Remington Steele". He also was an actor in the movie "Mama Mia!".
35 yrs. - WWE Champion and World Heavyweight Champion. He also appeared in "The Escapist" and "Assault of Darkness".
24 yrs. - A member of the the famous boy band "The Wanted".
53 yrs. - A ledgendary singer from the Irish band "U2" and sold 150 million+ records and won over 20 Grammy awards.
In Ireland, there are several activities you could see or do such as...
Ireland's climate is affected by the Atlantic Ocean GREATLY. The average temperature year round is aprox. 10 degrees Celsius and in the winter months its average is about 7 degrees. The warmest months are July and August where you can get up to 18 hours of sunlight, it stays light until 11pm. The months leading up to it, May and June, are about 17-20 degrees Celsius.
For More information on any of these activities or to find more activities, go to the link below.
Photo taken by: Castle Estate Agents
Lots of the houses in Ireland are beautiful. The average price range is about €524,000-€650,000. That would be $739,292-$925,526 in Canadian currency. The house in the top left corner is a Semi-Detached, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house that is €525,000 in Blackrock, Ireland.This is just one of many great, beautiful houses you can find in Ireland.