1963-1982= $40-$940= 800%
In 2001, it was figured that the average cost of a quality arts
education program is $498 per child per year.
The cost has only risen.
Arts develop–thinking tools: pattern recognition, abstract thought, observation of the world, mental representations of what is observed or imagined.
The arts contribute to the education of children by helping them understand different ways of seeing or understanding the same information.
Should "specials" be cut from elementary schools?
Specials: Art, P.E., Technology, Music, Drama
The Brain
Cost of Materials
Paint, clay, paper, crayons, pencils, glass, kiln, glue, wire, music, music stands, instruments, reeds, cleaning supplies, marching bands, travel, competitions, basketballs, soccer balls, bases, tees, nets, costumes, paint, set supplies,
scripts, props, copyrights
"The funds required for hiring the teachers,
purchasing equipment for their classrooms,
and making other budgetary allowances for
their programs takes money away from other
areas where it could be more wisely spent."
The Money is Not There!
Studies show that musical training activate the same areas of the brain that were activated
during mathematical processing.
Studies have shown that the more music instruction a child
has a young age, the greater their degree of phonological awareness and reading development.
When school corporation face financial hardships, "specials" may be the first area to take cuts.
44 percent of districts had increased instruction time in elementary school English language arts and math while decreasing time spent on other subjects.
16 percent of districts had reduced elementary school class time for music and art -- and had done so by an average of 35 percent, or fifty-seven minutes a week.
How Much Money Does it Take?
Regular physical activity increases the number of capillaries in the brain, thus facilitating blood transport. It also increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which significantly enhances cognitive performance.
Movement activities involve more sensory input, hold the students' attention for longer periods of time, help them make connections between new and past learning and improve long-term recall.
"Cutting 'specials' could give
more time for differentiated
projects for students such
as project based learning
-Shari Davis (Expert Opinion)
Push toward Standardized Testing
The arts help develop 21st century skills.
"Every child in the US needs 21st century knowledge and skills to succeed as effective citizens, workers and leaders" (Partnership for 21st Century Skills).
Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge.
Classroom Integration of the Arts
The "arts" are recognized as "core academic subjects" according to Federal Law and State Statutes.
Sing the Concepts
Letter and Number Forms
Reader's Theater
Vocabulary Development/Drawing
Heidi Songs
"Cutting 'specials' could also give more intervention time for struggling students and more accelerated time for high ability students."
-Shari Davis (Expert Opinion)
Intervention Time
The understanding we now have of how art impacts a person has changed significantly over the years as research has been completed on the topic.
Disclaimer: the views expressed during this presentation do not necessarily represent the beliefs and values of the speakers.