The Downfall of Adam and Mankind
Suzy Crain
Victoria Beemer
Alanna Fox
Whether in Heaven or on Earth, you shall be in paradise, a far happier place than this place of Eden, and it will see far happier days.
He will come from there on judgment day to judge the ungrateful dead, and reward the faithful, and receive them into bliss.
He shall then go to Heaven over all enemies and take out Satan, and drag him through the kingdom by chains in defeat. He enters in glory and sits as God’s right hand man above all others in Heaven.
By choosing Jesus, you will go to Heaven when your life is complete. After His resurrection, Jesus shall stay, but not on Earth, except to appear a few times to his followers. He'll leave order with them, and eventually, all nations will have learned God’s way and his salvation, baptizing those who believe in Holy water washing away the guilt of sin, making life pure and preparing their minds for death if it comes a death such as the Redeemer dying.
They shall teach all nations; for from that day, salvation shall not only be preached, and not only to the family of Abraham, but to his Christian followers of the world and in all nations, be blessed.
The pain he faces is unbearable, but nothing compared to the pain we will feel if we choose Satan.
We need not to forget. We need to be thankful for what he did, because of Jesus, our sins were washed, causing pain to Satan, and crushing his power by defeating his two main weapons, Sin and Death.
Of course, when he hangs on the cross, he will die, but he will rise before the third morning. From there on, our sins are forgiven and paid for and we are freed from Death
When Jesus died for our sins, the sins, guilt, and mistakes made by mankind were washed away
God declared that those who truly love and believe in him shall no longer pay a painful
price for their sins