Aztec worldview Examples
Farmers very skilled just like craft men of the time,They grew corn to make tortias and a stew called atolli, that was offen flavord with honey or chilis. Aztec merchants came from over the empire to sell goods at the market in the city Tecocoto .
The people of the empire had an appreciation for a wide variety of insects, birds, fish and animals.
The Aztecs spoke the language Nahuatl.The Aztecs wrote using symbols called glyphs or pictographs. They didn't have an alphabet, but used pictures to represent events, items, or sounds. Only the priests knew how to read and write.
Ancient Aztec religion was a complex interaction of gods, dates, directions and colours. It seems that most of the preoccupation in the religion had to do with fear of the nature, and a fear of the end of the world.
The Aztec Empire was made up of city-states. At the center of each city-state was a large city that ruled the area. For the most part, the Aztec Emperor did not interfere with the ruling of the city-states. What he required was that each city-state paid him a tribute. As long as the tribute was paid, the city-state remained somewhat independent of Aztec rule.
life in an Aztec society family was permeated by religious beliefs, right from the start. Each decision was ruled by the laws of religion, and often tied to the sacred days in the Aztec calendar.
The Aztecs had very few ways of transportation. One way the Aztecs transported themselves was by canoes through canals. Another way they transported themselves was by causeways with moveable bridges. An interesting fact about the Aztecs is that they used no wheels for their transportation.
Question 3