Lyndon B. Johnson, Commencement Address at Howard University (1965) VF 172
Commencement Address
- Johnson says that American Negroes have been another nation
- Not just freedom but opportunity
- All needs to be equal for blacks and whites
Lyndon B. Johnson
- Born in 1908 in Texas
- 36th President of the United States
- Democrat and Texas Senator
- VP for JFK
- succeeded JFK after his assassination
- Designed the "Great Society"
Howard University
Located in Washington, D.C.
- founded in 1867
- All-black University
- Students had organized sit-ins and pickets around the city in 1943 at places they had been denied service because of their race
- Where President Johnson gave the his Commencement Address on the issue of Civil Rights
The "Great Society"
- Created to eliminate poverty and racial injustice
- uphold civil rights
- public broadcasting
- Medicare and Medicaid
- environmental protection
- educational aid
- rural and urban development