Genie was cared for an educated in the most natural surrounding possible with the participation of many teachers and therapist.
After 5 years of exposure to language a period during which a normal child would have exposure to language system . Genie’s languague made remarkable progress inn becoming socialize and cognitive aware.
Found in California in 1970
13 year old girl who had been isolated deprived, neglected and abused.
Victor -Boy
12 year old
Found naked in the wood of France
Found completely wild
After 5 year of task of socializing and trying to teach language could not reach it at all.
He just could produce some sounds related to his favourite food milk
The basis to Chomsky's linguistic theory is that the principles underlying the structure of language are biologically determined in the human mind and hence genetically transmitted.
This linguistic theory was created by Noam Chomsky; In this he opposes the behaviorist psychology of Skinner, instead of arguing that human language is unlike modes of communication used by any other animal species; Chomsky argues that all humans share the same underlying linguistic structure, irrespective of socio-cultural difference.
The basis to Chomsky's linguistic theory is that the principles underlying the structure of language are biologically determined in the human mind and hence genetically transmitted.
Refer to notions of preexisting ideas present in the mind.
the mind is not a 'blank slate'
Chomsky argues that behaviorism sufficient explanation for children's language acquisition
- Children are programmed for language
- Language develop in the child in the same way of other biological functions
- Language acquisition is similar to walk
This is the theoretical view that children have an innate knowledge of the structures of language.
We are born with a knowledge of Universal Grammar or a Language Acquisition Device (Krashen) that gives us access to the universal principles of human language.
Is a set of principles which are common to all languages
Children have to learn the ways in which their own language makes use of these principles and the variations on those principles
Whenever the child hears a language, he/she tries to match them with the internal rules.
The rules are capable of forming hypotheses about the rules of the child’s mother tongue. By gradual checking and re-checking of the hypotheses, the child is able to rectify or enlarge his/her language data.
This linguistic theory was created by Noam Chomsky; In this he opposes the behaviorist psychology of Skinner, instead of arguing that human language is unlike modes of communication used by any other animal species;
Chomsky argues that all humans share the same underlying linguistic structure, irrespective of socio-cultural difference.
He tested the existence of grammatical awareness by gathering responses to a small number of grammatical and ungrammatical sentences.
The most famous grammatical-ungrammatical pair is:
1. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously (G) 2. Furiously sleep ideas green colorless (U) (Hill 1961 in Wilson (Ed) 1967: 281).
According to Chomsky it is possible to deduce the innate linguistic structures of the mind through developing a system of finite rules from which an infinite number of grammatical sentences might be generated. He was searching for rules of transformation
The fundamental aim in the linguistic analysis of a language L is to separate the grammatical sequences which are the sentences of L from the ungrammatical ones. One way to test the adequacy of a grammar proposed for L is to determine whether or not the sentences that it generates are actually grammatical, i.e., acceptable to a native speaker
He calls this ability language competence and distinguishes it from performance, which is the actual use of language which under the heat of communicative exchanges or when people are tired may lead to the production of grammatically faulty sentences.
Main Characteristics
Innatism is against Behaviourism (skinner ideas)
Step 2
The LAD provides humans with an innate “rules” that enable language acquisition. Basic rules for all languages (Universal Grammar)
LAD, like other biological functions, works successfully only when it’s stimulated at the right time - “the Critical Period” (CPH = Critical Period Hypothesis)
Children have a special ability to discover by themselves the rules of a language (LAD- black box)
Acquiring language is like learning to walk.
Child does not have to be taught (the child needs only access to samples of natural learning)
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