Marian Domanski: Fleeing from the Hunter
Marian Domanski lived in Otwock but since he was a Jew, he was forced
to live in a ghetto. At a young age Marian started to sell their household
items since his father died fighting for Poland. He would use the money he
made to buy food for him and his mother. After his mothers death, Marian
left the ghetto and he didn't plan on returning either.
Marian's Experiences in Otwock Ghetto
- the ghetto-"to divide the Jewish section from the Polish, non-Jewish side", "wire fences that resembled those on, large animal traps with several openings."
- disease- "malnutrition and the deteriorating sanitarty conditions resulted in the outbreak and spreading of the illness, especially typhus."
- deaths- "hunger, combined with sickness, begin to decimate the Jewish population in Otwock."
- guarding and strictness-"with a warning that punishment would be meted out ruthlessly to any transgressors of these laws."
- life in the ghetto- "being in a closed-off area and cut off from the outside world created difficulties."
Poland is invaded by the Germans
Domanski is notified of his fathers death
Jewish areas have now become closed off ghettos
June, 1941
Marian "celebrates his" bar mitzvah in the ghetto
May, 1942
Marian's mother dies from thyphus
June, 1970
Domanski,his wife, and daughter leave Poland for Canada
Acrostic Poem
Biographical Poem - Marian Domanski
Marian Domanski
Courageous, Jewish, Fearful, Determined
Running from the Nazis.
Who feels
Afraid of everyone,
And scared of Nazi control
For persecuting Jews.
Who likes
The kind farmers,
The work they provide
And the shelter, to protect him from Germans.
Who doesn't understand
Why the Germans say
Jews are filthy and worthless,
Why their are killed mindlessly and cruelly
And why they are kept away from society.
Who wonders
Why the Jewish have to wear a star
What to do to be accepted by people
And why Jews are discriminated against
So harshly.
Who doesn't like
The Nazi leader who despises the Jews
That he must wear the Star to make him inferior
or the diseases that took his mother.
Who thinks
Of escape
That he is no longer allowed to be with other non-Jews
That he no should longer live in the ghetto
anymore because he feels
confined and controlled.
Who wants
The end of the persecution
His mother and father to come back
and to escape from Germany's control
The world to accept him as Jew.
A survivor of the Holocaust
Marian Domanski.
Trivia Questions
1. Which ghetto did
Marian live in?
1. Marian lived in the Otwock ghetto
located in Poland.
Question 2
2. What disease killed his
2. His mother was killed by the
typhus disease which was common
in the ghettos.
Question 3
3. What was a common disease
in the Otwock ghetto?
3. Typhus was a very common
disease that killed many in the
Otwock ghetto.
Marian Domanski lived and escaped successfully. After
WWII he continued life, married, and had a daughter.
He revisited Poland and the haunting memories and saw
the farmers who contributed to saving his life. He saw some
of his family as well and some had even received awards
for their bravery by keeping and guarding Jews in their
own home. At the end of the book, Marian quotes "Whoever
saves one person saves and entire world."
In the end...
One Word Presentation
September1, 1939
Fall, 1939
January, 1941
D aring
O twock
M isfortune
A voiding
N ervy
S uffering
K osher
I incessant