The Little Mermaid Charcters & Their Mental Illnesses
(form of OCD)
Prince Eric
-Depressive Disorder
King Triton
-Seperation Anxiety Disorder
- extremely over protective of Ariel
- has a constant worrry that he will forever lose her to the human world
- happy when he hears the voice (Ariel's) but sad any other time because he doesnt't know who the beaustiful voice he heard belogns to
- no longer enjoys the activities he used to
- decreased energy level
- collects everything she can find, even tough she has no clue what it does
- has an enormous collection & obsession with human objects
- "hoarder"
-Antisocial & Narcissistic Personality Disorder
-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- constantly worried about the smallest things
- over protective
- worries about Ariel's saftey
- selfish, arrogant, and dramatic
- only sees things that benefit herself
- fantasizes herself to be way greater than she really is
- social isolation
-Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- always anxious when Ariel decides to do adventorous things (ex: explore the sunken ship)
- paranoid
- fearful
-Attention Defict/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)
- hyperactive / all over the place
- impulsive
- can't sit still
- short attention span