Romeo + Juliet Family Tree
Mickey Rourke
Lord Montague
I chose Mickey Rourke as Lord
Montague because he gets
mad easily and he loves to fight.
Lord Montague is Romeos father.
Angelina Jolie
Lady Montague
I chose Lady Montague because
she's had roles like these. She
also suits a role like this. Lady
Montague is Romeos mother.
Justin Bieber
as Romeo
I chose Justin Bieber as Romeo because he is also young and suitable for a role like Romeos.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Benvolio
I chose Dwayne Johnson as Benvolio because he's funny at some points and he is also a peacemaker. Benvolio is Romeos cousin.
Robert Downy Jr.
Lord Capulet
I chose Robert Downy Jr. as Lord Capulet because he'd go good for a role like this especially in a enemy type thing. Lord Capulet is Juliets Father.
I chose Michelle Rodriguez as Lady Capulet because she seems as if she would be good for a role like this. Lady Capulet is Juliets mother.
Miranda Cosgrove as Juliet
I chose Miranda Cosgrove as Juliet because she's almost the same age as Juliet.
I chose Vin Diesel as Tybalt because he's strong and loves to fight just like Tybalt.
Montague Side
I chose Russell Peters as Mercutio because there both real funny guys. Mercutio is Romeos friend.
Capulet Side
I chose Harry Potter as Friar Lawrence because he looks like a priest.
I chose Pik Sen Lim as Nurse because she looks old like the Nurse.
Michelle Rodriguez as Lady Capulet
Vin Diesel as Tybalt
Russell Peters
Harry Potter as Friar Lawrence
Pik Sen Lim as Nurse