The Culture of Thailand
Work Cited
- "Work Ethic vs Life Ethic." Work Ethic vs Life Ethic. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
- "Thailand's Society and Family Structures. N.p., n.d. about Thailand's Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
- "1.1 Thai Cultural Values - Thailand and Ireland." 1.1 Thai Cultural Values - Thailand and Ireland. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
- "Smiles and Polite Body Language - Thai Culture Information." N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
- "About the Thai Language and Languages Spoken in Thailand." About the Thai Language and Languages Spoken in Thailand. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
Orientation Toward Time
3 dresses – For nice dinners and using as swimsuit cover ups. Try the Infinity Skirt on for size.
2 pairs of shorts – Better suited for hiking and more adventurous activities. I would leave the jeans at home.
2 tank tops or T-shirts – Those sweltering days will be best spent in light shirts.
2 bras – I usually pack one nude bra and one black bra and it seems to fit my wardrobe well.
5 pairs of underwear – Maybe less if you have access to laundry facilities or are packing ExOfficio underwear.
1 light jacket – If you’re visiting the mountains, it can get a little chilly at night.
1 windbreaker/rain jacket – If you visit in July, the monsoon season begins.
2 swimsuits – Following the wear one, wash one pattern, two should last you the entire trip.
Towel – If you’re going to be visiting the beaches around Phuket, be sure to bring a towel or buy one when you get there.
Sarong – Good to use as a beach cover up or towel or to cover your shoulders in temples.
The people of Thailand have a present time orientation. They don't dwell on the past and they dont worry about the future. When it come to get tasks done or get somewhere the people of Thailand tend to take it slow because the journey is more important then the destination.
Leisure Activities
Attitudes toward Education
People visit
- Temples like Wat Phra Kaew,
- Walking and Hiking
- European football is very popular
- Movies
- Chess
- Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)
- Do not cut the hair on Wednesday
- If you get to eat the last piece of food in the plate, you will get a handsome boyfriend
- If you hear a gecko before you leave your home, it is a sign that you will experience bad incident. The lizard is warning you that something bad will happen to you, so you should stay inside.
- If you dream of a snake, you will meet your soul mate.
- If you sneeze, it means someone is missing you or someone is talking about you.
Been a constitutional monarchy under a parliamentary democracy system. The people have the freedom to vote and to elect people to represent them in Parliament. members of the sangha or clergy, those suspended from the privilege, detainees under legal or court orders, and people of unsound mind or of mental infirmity aren't aloud to vote
Work ethic
Education in Thailand is provided mainly by the Thai government through the Ministry of Education from pre-school to senior high school. A free basic education of twelve years is guaranteed by the constitution, and a minimum of nine years' school attendance is mandatory.
Body Language
- You may be standing talking with a senior Thai when they decide to sit down. Don’t remain standing; sit down too.
- In Thai and many other Asian cultures, the head is considered the most important part of the body, so towering over someone else’s head is rude, especially if that person is older or of higher social standing.
- If there is nowhere to sit, then stand back a bit, and try to stand in a deferential way. Hands together, right over left, in front of your zipper is a good way to achieve this.
- Forget your parents’ shoulders-back-and-chest-out rule; it’s not appropriate in this situation
Body Language Continue
Working in Thailand is very laid back because the people are very laid back. They aren't competing with one another like people in western culture, they're are just working to get the job done. They're happy, and they don't have the attitude to work for a life of luxury.
Smiling is consider one of the trademarks of the Thai people – this is, after all, The Land of Smiles.
Thais tend to smile about anything.
Thais may smile a lot, but they use body language far more subtly than Westerners and many other people do
If you wave your arms about or waggle your head around, Thais will consider it a puad hua – a headache – to look at
In Thai culture one keeps one’s feelings – of love or hate, enthusiasm or boredom – to oneself. Thais believe that you will have fewer problems this way.
Coming of age ceremonies
Communication And Gestures
- Thais place great emphasis and value on outward forms of courtesy such as politeness, respect, genial demeanor and self-control in order to maintain harmonious relations. Many of their rules of etiquette are a result of the Buddhist religion.
- It is a non-confrontational society, in which public dispute or criticism is to be avoided at all costs. To be openly angry with someone might attract the wrath of the spirits, which in turn could cause violence and tragedy.
- Openly criticizing a person is a form of violence as it hurts the person and is viewed as a conscious attempt to offend the person being rebuked.
- Loss of face is a disgrace to a Thai so they try to avoid confrontations and look for compromises in difficult situations. If two parties disagree, one will need to have an outlet to retreat without losing face.
Attitudes Toward dating and marriage
"Khon Juk" or the "Top Knot Cutting" Ceremony is the biggest coming of age ceremony there is in Thailand but it is fading away. it was a ceremony where the wear a certain hair style called the "Top Knot" it was a symbol of childhood. the top knot was cut when the boy reached age 13 and the girl reached age 11.
Death Rituals
After death a bathing ceremony takes place in which relatives and friends pour water over one hand of the deceased. The body is then placed in a coffin and surrounded with wreaths, candles and sticks of incense. If possible a photograph of the deceased is placed alongside, and coloured lights are suspended about the coffin: Sometimes the cremation is deferred for a week to allow distant relatives to attend or to show special honour to the dead.
Spousal and family relationships
- It is customary for a young single Thai woman never to go on a date alone.
- Traditionally Young Thai women were not allowed to spend time alone with a young man under any circumstances but modern thai culture has adapted.
- marriage is also a sacred pact between a man and a woman
- Often live several generations under one roof.
- The parents house is given to the youngest daughter when she is married. In return the couple takes care of the daughters elderly parents.
- Oldest man of a Thai family is the patriarch
- The head of the family must meet the grooms entire family before he decides the wedding is happening
- The brides parents get money to the groom called "Bride Money". Its for upbringing consisting of natural produce or money but the money is often returned on the wedding day
- The newly weds usually stay with the brides parents until the first baby.
Thailand is the world's most heavily Buddhist country. About 93.6 percent of all the people in Thailand are Buddhists (nearly all of them Theravada Buddhists). You will see Wats (Buddhist temples) and saffron robed monks everywhere. About 4.6 percent of the population is Muslim
- Thailand official language is Thai
- That said, visitors may experience difficulty picking up the Thai language as it is considerably different from many foreign languages.
- The Thai language features five tones: high, mid, low, rising, and falling, each of which changes the meaning of particular ‘words’.
- Thailand official language is Thai
- That said, visitors may experience difficulty picking up the Thai language as it is considerably different from many foreign languages.
- The Thai language features five tones: high, mid, low, rising, and falling, each of which changes the meaning of particular ‘words’.