Bricolage (noun):
1. construction or creation from a diverse range of available things
2. a way to learn and solve problems by trying, testing and playing around
3. borrowed from the French verb bricoler, meaning “to tinker”
One more thing....
Bricolage Academy
What do you think?
This is new ground. We can only get there together.
Time of Great Transition
- Public schools are changing
Our Mission:
Equip all students with the knowledge, character and mindsets needed to succeed in college and live a life that impacts the human story amid an ever-changing world.
- Every teacher is a rock star.
- Students are encouraged to be 'makers': creative self-starters, who experiment, design, innovate and explore.
Our Beliefs:
Empathy, creativity and perseverance determine one's capacity to impact the human story.
Every child has the capacity for unique greatness.
New Orleans is uniquely poised to be a world leader in this century's creative and knowledge economies.
School Design Elements
Private/independent schools
Constructivist academic program
Every student is 'known'
Urban Charter Schools
Character development around school values
Strong school culture focused on our mission
Entrepreneurial start-up community
In middle school, students 'own' their academic program.
All students must work in a small team to start a business, organization or venture
The Problem
New Orleans schools inadequately prepare today's students to be tomorrow's adults.
What's the Plan?
Location & Admissions
Open in 2013 with Kindergarten and hopefully PreK
Grow slowly and purposefully: one grade at a time
Looking for facilities that would work for all
Control admissions for income
What do you mean?
In the meantime....
Continue to organize community conversations like this.
[Most of] today's schools deliver an industrialized model of education to a homogenous and segregated student population.
In twenty years, [most of] today's students will live in a creative economy in a country more diverse, and a world more connected, than today.