COMMUNISM - You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you
some milk.
Political Ideologies and Economic Systems
Planned Economy
Mixed Economy
Free Enterprise
- Private ownership is strongly encouraged
- The laws of the market (supply and demand) determine what and how much is produced.
- Little to no State intervention
- United States has free enterprise
- Free enterprise predominates over State intervention, but the State still plays a role
- Quebec has a mixed economy (Hydro-Quebec is state owned)
- Advocates the nationalization of the means of production (the State determines what and how much is produced, as well as who benefits from this production)
- Little to no room for private enterprise
- The state determines production and regulates the labor market
- Food stores (among others) belong to the State and are subjected to strict rules
Anarchism and Communism
Socialism and Environmentalism
SOCIALISM - You have 2 cows, and you give one to your neighbor.
"All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State"
- Pro-Dictatorship, anti-democracy
- the individual citizen has no guaranteed rights. If you say the wrong thing or oppose the wrong person, you can be arrested or killed without a fair trial.
- It is always a big crime in fascist countries to speak against the leader or ruling party
- In countries led by fascist governments, the government tries to control all areas of life, including work, school, and family life.
- The resources of the economy are managed and controlled by the people or councils.
- Can own personal property
- Wealth Distribution according to the efforts or contribution
- Defends Traditional Values
- Opposition to progressivism
- Against abortion
- Against same sex marriage
- For the death penalty
- Against euthanasia
- Pro gun ownership
Environmentalism advocates the lawful preservation, restoration and/or improvement of the natural environment, and may be referred to as a movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity
- Promote individual freedom and a limited role for the State
- Cultural Diversity
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Religion
- Equality of Opportunity
- Support for gay rights, abortion and support for immigrants
- Progress
- Against the death penalty
- For euthanasia
- Against guns
After World War I many people were disappointed and angry because the war destroyed a lot of their country and because some of their land was taken away from them.
- Rejects Hierarchy (don't want any
leaders, which means everyone is
- Power for the people
- No taxes
- More freedom
- No government services
- No punishment for your crimes (all rules and authority are abolished)
- Does away with the class system. Everyone has equal access to things like health care, education and food.
- Lower crime rate
- You can't own your own business
- It's anti-ambition
- It can fuel poverty
- Technically, there is still a class system, because the leaders (the state) have a lot of power
Pros: Workers are no longer exploited, since they own the means of production
Mussolini promised the people that he would bring back pride and make Italy a well-respected state again
FASCISM - You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk.
"Promote social justice through the elimination
of inequalities and by extension, social classes."
Germany's economy was ruined after World War I
Con: The more you make, the more the government takes. This money is meant to better society.