Step 7
Arranging educational workshops and training
materials to share technical information and
experiences with suppliers, dealers and customers to get them actively involved in pollution control programmes.
Step 6
Step 3
Periodical assessment of pollution control programmes in terms of cost & benefits so as to increase the progress with respect to environmental protection.
Step 4
Developing clear-cut policies and programmes for:
- purchasing good quality raw materials,
- employing superior technology,
- using scientific techniques of disposal and treatment of wastes,
- developing employee skills for the purpose of pollution control.
Complying with the laws & regulations enacted by the government for prevention of pollution.
Step 5
Participation in government programmes relating to:
- management of hazardous substances,
- clearing up of polluted rivers,
- plantation of trees,
- checking deforestation.
Step 2
Ensuring that commitment to environment protection is shared throughout the enterprise by all divisions & employees.
Step 1
Role of Business in Environmental Protection
- A definite commitment by top management of the enterprise to create, maintain & develop work culture for environmental protection and pollution prevention
What you think are the steps which can be taken up by business enterprises to protect the
- Since environment is equally important for all of us,we have a collective responsibility to protect it from being spoiled.
can avoid using certain products & doing things that are not environment friendly
Business enterprises
- It is the social responsibility of every business to take steps not only to check all sort of pollution but also to protect environment resources.
- In most cases, a modification or change in the process of production, redesign of equipment, substituting poor quality materials with better ones or other innovative approaches could greatly reduce or even eliminate pollution entirely.