The End
My older sister
Roxanne Marroquin
-LVN trade school
-Occupation: Barista at Javatinis’ coffee.
-Strongest one in our family. Regardless of her trails, she overcomes them. It motivates me to always move forward regardless of our past. She taught me mostly that we need to grow from our mistakes instead of living in them. Mind over matter.
My other half
The Lopez Family Tree
My Twin: Justine Lopez
-Cal State Dominguez Hills
-Occupation: Server at Marconi Grill
- The reason why I am where I am today. My Main Supporter. Encourages me every day to be the BEST me.
My Father
-GED. Some College.
-Occupation: Airplane Inspector at MOOG
-Genuine Heart. Supporter. Loving.
My Mother
My Paternal Grandparents
-GED. Trade School.
-Occupation: Medical Transcriber at Kaiser Permanente
-My Main Motivator. One of the purest hearts. Humble. Loving.
-My Goal is to make her happy and proud.
-3rd Grade
-No Education
Honorable Man. Provider the best he could for his family. Worked Construction.
Passed away when I was 10 years old.
My Maternal Grandparents
-Residency: Hawaii
-Occupation:Secretary and Homemaker
Raised her four children on her own. Remarkable Woman