- to acquaint students with the politics, culture, traditions of Central Asia and their historical roots as well as the issues of ethnic and national identities, border relations, and foreign exchanges in the wake of the demise of the Soviet Union
Week 2. The formation of independent RK. Political system of Kazakhstan. Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan.
Guest speaker: Professor Otarbayeva B.Z. “Role of Kazakhstan in Central Asia”
The aim of the course
Traditions and customs of Kazakh people.
Week 13 Traditions and Customs of Korean People
The Kazakh people are rich in traditions.
From birth through old age and death, every step of their lives has historically been marked with celebration. Even their funeral ceremonies have their own special symbolism.
Week 7: Are Natural Resources a Curse for Central Asia?
- Politics of Pipelines. Caspian Sea: Potentials for Conflict
- Water and Energy Issues in the Context of International and Political Disputes in Central Asia
Guest speaker: expert in Central Asian studies Professor Chernyh I.A.,
Political scientist: Dosym Satpayev
Week 14-15 Turkish-Kurdish Diasporas in Central Asia
Week 1.Introduction to Central Asian Studies.
Week 4. Customs and traditions of Uighur people. Comparative analyses of Uighur in China and Central Asia.
Central Asia’s cultures and civilizations have left deep and profound impact on the societies, economies, and cultures of other states and countries
Week 11.New Great Game or Grand Chessboard.
Week 8 Chechen-Ingush Culture and Traditions
- Ethnic differences among Uighur in Kazakhstan
- Uighur of RK and PRC: their language, culture and relations
- Uighur issue in officical policy of Beijing
Interests of great power in Central Asia.
Influence of Russia, USA, China and other Regional Powers
Guest speaker: Dr.Kamalov A.K. expert in Uighur studies
Week 5. Regional Security Arrangements
- Sovereignty and the Challenges of Regional Cooperation.
- Roots of Political Instability: Effects of ‘Colour revolutions’ and ‘Arab spring’
Guest speakers: expert in Regional Studies, c.h.s., Assanbaev M.A.,
Dr.PhD, expert in Security Issues Yelibayeva A.E.
Week 6. The formation of Dungan ethnicity in Central Asia. Culture, Religion and Language of Dungan people.
Week 3. Chinese factor in Central Asia
Guest speakers: expert in Chinese Studies, Syroezhkin K.L., Dr.PhD, expert in Security Issues and Chinese language Yelibayeva A.E.
Week 12. History and Politics of Uzbekistan
Week 9 Conflicts, Violence and Peace-building in Central Asia
Week 10 Customs and Traditions
of Tajik people