Take a look on the ‘Shared’ drive to see our organisational chart…
Shared\Guiding Documents Framework\Organisational Chart
Take a look on the Z drive to see our latest contact list…
Shared\Guiding Documents Framework\Youthtown Contact List.docx
Youthtown: Our Values
Now open the Induction Toolkit next to you!
Have a look at the 'Come with us on our Journey' document in there to find out more about how to implement Youthtown's values. Click along as you go through the document and answer the following questions!
- We build strong connections and relationships of respect
- We share a culture of trust
- We show concenr for each others wellbeing
- We enjoy and have fun
- We genuinely care and show compassion
- We positively contribute to others lives and the wider community
- We go above and beyond in our efforts
- We acknowledge and celebrate each others success
Youthtown: Our Vision
Who is at the centre of all our programmes and services?
Describe how we apply the value of Belonging to children and young people.
Through Mastery children and young people will...
Under our identity statement, what is Youthtown's commitment to staff?
Showing Independence could mean...?
Read about Generosity and describe how we could apply it in our work!
What framework are all of Youthtown's services developed and delivered in?
What do we want young New Zealanders to be?
What 2 key Foundation Documents does Youthtown endorse?
- We face and overcome challenged through personal growth
- We strive to continuously improve our competence
- We take opportunities to reach our potential
- We are great role models in all that we do
- We are empowered to solve problems and make decisions
- We have confidence to make good choices
- We are responsible for our actions
- We show character by having resilience and integrity
Communication at Youth
Youthtown's development philosophy
"Empowering young New Zealanders to be the best they can be"
The Linked Triangle Communication Structure
- This is our method of communication from the CEO to all staff members, and vice versa.
- The linked triangle is our process for addressing issues & communicating.
- We all have a voice.
- We meet regularly with our teams, and we discuss issues as a team.
- The answers to our problems are already in the heads of our people.
- The team knows the workplace better than anybody.
- If we cannot solve an issue as a team, it is passed up to the next level triangle.
- Everyone gets their issues acknowledged & status known.
- Feedback is provided on issues.
- Ideas are shared.
- Everybody is involved in solving issues relevant to them.
- Ideas are shared across departments.
Internal Communication
Meet your team
Notice Boards
Notice boards are another important means of communication within Youthtown. Please refer to your notice board regularly. They will advise you of a number of Youthtown policies, social activities and safety matters.
Youtube Videos
Youtube Videos are emailed to all staff when there are major changes in policy, strategy, etc. If you do not have a Youthtown email address, please let your Manager know of an alternative email address for you.
Youthtown Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure
Go get a tour!
We are...
Do you know where the kitchen, bathrooms, lunch area, tea/coffee making facilities are?
The Youthtown code of conduct and disciplinary procedure gives guidance to all Youthtown staff on the standards of conduct required.
Please have fun with the snakes and ladders game from the Induction Toolkit if there are 2 or more people being inducted at the same time! If not, plase go through the cards that accompany the game to learn all about our Youthtown Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure.
As a values-based organisation what does Youthtown provide to staff?
... an organisation that designs and delivers initiatives and activities that engage and develop young New Zealanders.
A bit of history...
Please sign the last page (acknowledgement section) of YOUR copy of the ‘Youthtown Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure’ (not the one from the Toolkit please!) and return to HR.
Have you been issued with the appropriate access keys, security tags, or alarm codes?
Have you been briefed on your centres security protocols and prodecures?
Take some time to surf our website!
The Beginnings....
- 1932 Boystown was established in the basement of a Freeman’s Bay Hotel to provide food and activities for mostly young men during the depression.
- 1938 Boystown moved location to a shed in Parnell.
- 1968 Multipurpose facility opened in Nelson St, partnership with Police established, new name became “Boystown Police and Citizen’s Club”.
...of something great!
- 1985 Boystown name changed to ‘Youthtown Police & Citizens Club’ and became available to girls.
- 2001 Youthtown Police and Citizen Club name changed to ‘Youthtown Inc’. The partnership with the Police ceased, new focus was to provide programmes for all young people, not only those at risk.
Uniform Policy
Please read the Youthtown Uniform Policy which is in the 'INDUCTION PACK FOR NEW STAFF' in the Induction Toolkit.
Your Manager will arrange your uniform for you.
Going strong for 80+ years!
- 2003 Panmure Branch opened
- 2005 Pakuranga Branch opened
- 2007 Celebrated the 75th Year Anniversary and opened Upper Hutt branch
- 2009 Taupo Branch opened
- 2010 Papakura, North Shore, Christchurch and Oamaru Branches opened
- 2012 Youthtown celebrated its 80th Year Anniversary
And now you are part of it!
Have the following forms been completed and sent to HR?
Let's do this!
- IR330 (tax code form)
- Personal Details form
- Verification of bank account (such as deposit slip)
- Kiwisaver form
- Copy of Drivers License (if relevant)
- Copy of First Aid Certificate (if relevant)
Please return all these documents to HR!
Please work through this presentation with the help of your Manager (e.g. your 'Programme Coordinator') and tick off your induction checklist as you go.
This is a largely self-directed learning session, but don't hesitate to ask to get all the information you need!
Welcome at
“Tell me and I forget
Teach me and I remember
Involve me and I learn”
(Benjamin Franklin)