Quick Write
On your whiteboard, jot all associations, descriptors, qualities, and powers of the goddesses.
OPTION #1: Name a human who violated the maxims "Know Thyself" or "Nothing in Excess"? Explain.
OPTION #2: How does our knowledge of Aphrodite and Artemis reveal Greek values?
Know Thyself
Nothing in Excess
Now Move...
Know Thyself: Know that you are not a god and know your limitations.
Nothing in Excess: Be moderate with your intake, for the gods can take away everything if they so desire it.
Find someone else in the room that has a word/phrase on the board that you do NOT have. Jot that down on your board.
Sample Claim
Objectives for Today
Queen Niobe
Aphrodite Artemis
Save the last word for me
- Understand Artemis and Aphrodite's connection and divide
- See the concepts of "Know Thyself" and "Nothing in Excess" illustrated in narratives about the gods
- Explore the nature of the gods and their relationships to humans
- Read through the selection.
- Highlight/Underline 1 line that stands out to you, that tends to reveal this goddess' nature/being.
- Share out, one at a time, the line you underlined and your reason behind it.
Queen Niobe violates "know thyself" and "nothing in excess" by making herself seem better than the gods and goddesses. Queen Niobe states, "my riches make me safe, I am greater than any whom fortune can harm." She says that her riches make her better and by being rich, no one can hurt her. Then Apollo kills her seven boys in return to what she said.
A human who violated the maxims was Queen Niobe. She decided to prove herself better than the goddess, Leto by saying, "I am greater than ay whom Fortune can harm.." She also said "Surely my comforts banish fear." This creates assurance that she is better and will not fear any goddess.
According to Ovid from Book VI of Metamorphosis, Queen Niobe yells at the gods saying that she is better than them. She says, "I am fortunate (ineed, who can deny it?)" This is an example of a violation of "noting in excess" because a human is supposed to treat their riches and successes with humility. If they do not, the gods can take everything away. Queen Niobe boats about her reign on her city and talks down to the gods.
Birth Stories Revealing Goddesses' Natures
Look up the birth stories of both goddesses.
What do they reveal about who they are?