Team Life Cycle
The Frog
The Life Cycle of a Frog
The Butterfly
Question 1: What does a baby frog look like and what is it called?
Question 2: Name two changes that happen during the stage between the tadpole and an adult frog?
Question 3: Where do frogs lay their eggs?
Answer 1: The baby frog looks like a fish and is called a tadpole
Answers 3: The adult frogs lay their eggs in calm or static water
Answer 2: The baby tadpole...
- hatches
- eats it yoke
- learns to swim
- eats algae
- grows teeth to chew food
- grows hands and feet
- hands and feet grow longer
- hands and feet get stronger
The Lima Bean
Seeds need:
To become plants!
Plants have:
- seeds
- roots
- leaves
- stems
- and sometimes flowers
Activity: How to grow a Lima bean!
Activity 2: Parts of a Lima bean plant!
What is the life cycle?
It is the series of general stages in form and functional activity through which an organism goes through in its lifetime.